Chapter 2

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Picture of Jay on top as Jacob Artist (he's so cute ).

"When will I see you again?" Brian asked as he turned off the roaring engine of his Aston Martin. I shrugged "You'll see me when you see me."

He sighed obviously not happy with my answer "Can't I ever get a straightforward answer from you?"

I turned to him with an over exaggerated smile "We'll talk when you get back ok?"

Brian decided that that was good enough for him and Frenched me roughly before allowed me hop out of his car finally. I waved with a sexy smile before walking into my apartment building. I was greeted by Peter at the Lobby.

"Hey Pete." I greeted pleasantly.

"Hi Ryan guy. What you've been up to?" He asked with his ever mischievous smile. I shrugged "Just doing the do like I always do right?"

Peter was a pretty good guy and very easy on the eyes too. But he was sadly a bit below my price range for now. And straight.

He laughed shaking his head while I walked up to the elevators. I reached my two bedroom apartment and tossed my keys into a bowl. My apartment was a lot more expensive than that of the average college student. It was a gift from boyfriend number 3, about 5 boyfriends ago.

I loved and relished it because not many of my peers could boast that they lived in a two million dollar apartment. So maybe I didn't work as hard..... Or I did really when you think about it.

I turned on my voice machine expecting the same series of messages. Just a few acquaintances inviting me for drinks and what not, my best friend Jay reminding me that we had dinner sometime this week. And the last was somewhat expected.

"Hey Ryan. It's Chris calling -"

I deleted it off without listening. I really didn't need to.

Even though I'd showered at Brian's place, I still showered once again before falling right into bed surrounded by my textbooks. Just because I lived a fun life didn't mean that I had to be behind in my work. That was something I would never take for granted.

I studied for about three hours before my droopy eyes and tired body decided that I'd amassed enough information for now. I shoved my books away and I laid my head on the pillow to sleep.

I honestly wasn't always this way. Nor was I always this wanted. There was once a time when my self-esteem didn't reach the top of a frying pan.

In high school I was skinny, unwanted and filled with acne and blemishes. Naturally I was every bully's dream. But there was one particular kid who I hated more than the rest.

"Hey four eyes! Look over here. Or can't you see that?" Nathan Coffey snickered causing his friends to join in the humiliating laughter. My cheeks burned and I wanted to cry so badly. I was such a weak person then. No backbone of my own.

I felt a shove that sent me tumbling to the ground. My glasses fell off my face and skidded on the floor. I couldn't help it. The tears ran and ran.

"Fucking cry baby. Cry all you want. No one cares." He taunted. Everyone who was around either laughed, or stared without helping me. There was no one who actually took pity on me.

He was right; no one cared.

That's right I was bullied. Severely. I don't think back on it and feel sorry for myself. I like to think back on it as the prelude of who I would later become. I didn't mourn those years anymore, but I did make the years after them so much better for myself.

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