Chapter 24

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"Would you like some cookies?" Astrid offered. I shook my head patting my stomach "Ate a big lunch." What a lie. My stomach was growling in fury. I didn't eat anything but toast and hot chocolate for breakfast after Jason had practically forced it on me. She eyed me suspiciously "Sure? They're fresh from the oven. I even added those ridiculous sprinkles you like so much." The offer was quite tempting but I couldn't. My body craved it but my mind refused. I'd learned a long time ago that my emotions had a large impact on my appetite.

My fist clenched "Maybe later."

She dropped it haphazardly on the table "If you say so. I was just being a good friend and giving you some study snacks."

Despite my irritation, I smiled "Thanks."

Astrid watched me "You know, when you called me saying that you wanted to come over and study, I didn't really think you actually meant study. I thought it was a new code for gossiping about hot boys asses."

I snorted a laugh "Does it surprise you that I actually take my education seriously? My GPA is 3.24 you know."

She sighed dropping her hands on the white and gold glass dining table "I'd be quite disappointed if you didn't. Education is important. No one wants to marry an illiterate."

"Ha, I never thought of that." I said dryly.

"Hmm. Lord knows that my Father nearly dragged by the hair when I refused to go to university." Astrid stated casually examining her cuticles.

"Really?" I enquired fiddling with my pen.

"Yes. It was either that or to join the army which my mom wouldn't even dream of letting me." She replied. "So I ended up earning a double degree in Political Science and Economics from The University of Copenhagen. Useless, since there's actually no realistic reason for me to use it since I'm not going into politics. I don't even want to. It's a certificate attached to my name so that I seemed educated and therefore more desirable to anyone who approaches me. Amusing really. Why does four years of wasting away at some school prove that I'm worth something? I should be either way."

"Didn't know you saw it that way." I observed.

She shrugged "Doesn't matter. I paid my dues to my family. Now they let me live my life the way I want to." It was rare for Astrid to talk about herself this way. She was careful; she didn't let anything that hinted about her paternal side slip. Her Mom was an open subject, they were quite close from what I'd seen and didn't care to hide the fact. Her father was a different story though.

All I knew was that he and her mother had divorced and it ended there. Astrid kept her Dad and every issue concerning him on the other side of the Atlantic any time she came into the country. The two separate worlds were not dragged together. Sometimes I think the reason she liked coming to America so much was the mild anonymity. Denmark wasn't like England. Very few people actually knew that they practiced monarchy over there. In crude terms, they weren't popular and no one outside of their country plus allies really gave a shit about them. Very much to her delight.

"Didn't know you studied Political Science." I said after a while.

She smiled tightly "Now you do." There was no need to say more. We both knew that the conversation was over.

Once again my eyes returned to my book. I'd been on the same line for the past two minutes now. My mind seemed to be branching into difference locations all at once and it was annoying that I couldn't focus well enough.

Last night I had to lie to Jason that the reason I'd vomited was because I ate some bad shellfish. I wasn't sure if he believed me or not but at least he didn't press forward for an answer. He just made me some tea and tucked me into bed which I as beyond grateful for.

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