Chapter 25

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 "Do you know she's won like three journalism awards?" Jason tumbled another fact about Suzy. I handed him the plate of chicken chow mien and even gave him more spring rolls because I knew how much he liked them. But it was dropped on the coffee table in favor of more talk about my boyfriend's boss. He had been rather charmed by everything about her therefore Suzy Spielberg had now become one of the main topics of our conversations for three days straight.

It was always about how cool she was, or how she didn't let the models boss him around like they did with the other photographers or how considerate she was with his adjustments and didn't turn it down like most of the editors. Or how she'd worked for the big papers before settling down in fashion as it was her main dream. Or how she was a hardworking woman who still had time to raise a family.

Basically, she was all the good things on earth wrapped in one blonde package.

I clenched my teeth each time.

"Sounds great babe." I mumbled stuffing a spring roll into my mouth.

"And she's just like ten years older than us!" He exclaimed. "That's a real achievement."

"Must be." I echoed.

The TV was muted showing an old episode of Game of Thrones. Cersei's face appeared cool and calculating as ever. I couldn't even enjoy it if I wanted to. Not when Jason couldn't stop worshipping his freaking boss.

"Her husband is some hot shot on Wall Street who didn't want her to work but she still defied the odds and went after her dreams." He continued.

"Wonderful." Another spring roll roughly shoved its way into my mouth with so much force it was a miracle I didn't choke.

"It's amazing how they're rich enough for her to stay at home and watch the kids like a typical housewife but she's so talented and can't-"

"That's all great." I cut Jason off from his ramblings. He blinked surprised "Are you ok Ry?"

I stabbed my food so hard that a little plastic end of the fork broke into it "I'm fine. Just a little irritated."

"Irritated?" He repeated after me. "But why? Did I do something?" damn his naivety. I sighed "It's just that you've been talking non-stop about how awesome your boss is for the past few days. I get it, she's a great person but please lower it a notch? Most times it feels like you'd rather be on a date with her than me."

There it was out. But three days of hearing about the amazing Suzy Spielberg had set me on the edge.

Jason raised his eyebrows. My last comment may have come out a little rawer than I'd anticipated but

"I didn't realize how much I'd been talking about her. I'm so sorry about that."

"It's ok." I replied. It wasn't.

He took my plate from my hand dropping it next to his before taking my hands to face him completely.

"I'm sorry." His voice was deep, strong and warm. My annoyance was already peeling away bit by bit. "It's just that I'm new and still a bit nervous and she's done so much to make me feel welcome there."

More than enough I'd say.

"Unfortunately it's delved a little into hero worship but the last thing I want to do is get you angry." He explained gently and goodness I wanted to remain mad at him forever. "I'll tone down my work talk then."

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