Chapter 20

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Wow another update in less than 24 hours I am so freaking awesome and you all should bow to me. Lol. Just joking. Hope you like it though.


It was an alarm that woke me up. Jason's alarm to be precise because I would never voluntarily set up an alarm to wake up from sleep. Like no fucking way. Jason had a thing about waking up at the same time each day because it helped you stay alert or something. The memory made me smile and I was grateful for the first time about hearing that familiar dreaded alarm clock.

My head settled against the warm chest I was lying on and for a moment, it seemed quite easy to forget all about the stupid alarm clock.

A too cheerful ray of light was already peeking from the closed curtains in the bedroom. That meant that it was probably past the time to get up but my body was far too delightfully worn and sore to do so. It was Friday and I had one class but with my current situation it seemed more likely that I would skip rather than attend.

Jason stirred underneath me. I stiffened my body so that he wouldn't wake up. Luckily, he was a pretty light sleeper and it served the situation perfectly. He snored softly so I assumed that he had gone back to sleep.

"Jason." I called softly.

No answer. He was definitely asleep. Gently peeling my body away from his, I straddled his body until I climbed off the bed completely and my bare feet were cushioned against the plush carpet. A lone boxer hung off the bed post and I wore it to cover my nudity.

I glanced at Jason's sleeping body one more time before leaving the bedroom to his quaint kitchen. Clean and scrubbed as I'd last seen it.

Didn't even realize when an unconscious smile seeped in.

My iPhone was placed next to one of the pots and I figured that during our frantic rendezvous, I must have thrown it there. Thankfully there was no damage at all, just a lot of missed calls and text messages. Some from Astrid and Jay mainly asking about how the date went and if I would see Cornelius again.


My stomach dropped when I finally remembered him. I'd been so caught up with reconciling with Jason that I'd forgotten all about him and where he stood with me. The poor man was probably off thinking that we had something together and breaking that bubble was going to be a cruel thing to do.

There was no way I was going to lead him on so the solution was to tell him that I couldn't let it go on further between us now that Jason had come back. Or at least he had come back and it seemed like he was going to stay.

I love you Ryan.

Everything about me was sore and I didn't want to waste time pondering on things which would surely upset me. Right now it was time to enjoy the moment and hope that it would last long enough. We definitely needed this.

"Ryan?" I heard Jason's faint voice from the bedroom.

"In here!" I shouted in reply as I picked out a couple of bowls and a frying pan from his cupboard. Picking up a bag of flour, I listened until his footsteps came closer to the kitchen.

"Morning." Jason said with a hint of his always shy smile.

I couldn't help myself. I left the mix I was turning and walked over to kiss him. His lips were warm and inviting. My hands placed over his shoulders and pushed our bodies even closer. It felt far too wonderful to be true. I must have been dreaming. But even dreams didn't feel this good.

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