Chapter 3 (Greendale)

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Heads up guys.... this book is going to be inspired by a lot of Lana Del Rey and Halsey songs I've realized..... and I swear it has nothing to do with me being their number one fan :).

Notice: this chapter and any others labelled Greendale refer to Ryan's past before he moved to New York and not his present self. All other chapters not tagged are regular chapters in the present. Hope this doesn't confuse anyone at because that is not my intention.

Oh and chapter 2 was modified a bit so you might want to re-read it again before starting this.

Eye, draw and sink. That was my technique when it came to seduction. Eye your prey and observe his characteristics to know whether he's worth your energy or not. It also makes you know whether you'll only talk for ten minutes, or if a full conversation.

Next, you don't chase after him. Make him chase you. Draw in his attention by making him see in you what everyone else lacks. Give him a reason to meet you across the room and not anyone else.

Finally, you sink him in hard so that he's completely smitten and there's no chance he's going to look for anyone else anytime soon. Charm and entice him subtly, but don't let yourself be perceived as desperate. Make him think that you might be interested in him, but he needs to gain more of your attention. Most men fall for this a lot.

After my reinvention, my confidence had increased drastically and I was no longer the shy eyed nerd everyone knew the previous year. In place of my bulky glasses were now hardly noticeable contact lenses. My acne had been cleared up and only smooth skin remained. Even my baggy clothes had been replaced with designer jeans and shirts.

Over the summer I had gone from something akin to being the ugly duckling to a beautiful swan who was ready to fan the same waters that had rejected me. And I knew exactly who to thank for all of this.

For about two weeks, I had eyed my prey intensely. I knew his movements, habits and interests well enough. I also knew exactly when to make my grand entrance.

"Low fat soy latte please." I asked sweetly to the female barista who didn't seem to care either way of I was being nice or not. But it wasn't her attention I was seeking.

"Funny. That's exactly what I was about to order." A deep voice said beside me.

I turned with a surprised look on my face "Oh, well what a coincidence. Looks like we both have the same tastes in elaborate coffee orders."

He laughed then surveyed me for a moment "Gerard Coffey."

"Ryan Perry."

"Your name sounds familiar. Can't really remember where I heard it from though." Gerard said with a frown. Of course it was familiar. His brother had provably mentioned it more times than I may have liked in the past.

With an exaggerated sigh, I said "It's ok. Not sure really. Maybe I have one of those really common names."

"Well it'll probably come to me soon enough. So are you waiting for someone or would you like to join me?" He offered and I knew that I was drawing him slowly.

"I'm not sure. You look like you were ready for a quiet afternoon and I don't want to spoil that." I said feigning hesitancy.

"Oh no I insist. You're not disturbing anything. I was actually lamenting about having to drink my coffee alone again." Gerard replied with the very same charming smile I was sure ran in the family.

My expression was as though I was considering "Well...alright. But not for too long."

"Of course." Gerald answered quickly. Our conversation would of course take too long, we'd talk about so much at length and at the end he would be sliding me a torn paper with his phone number written down so that we could "hang out" once again.

With the paper curled in my hands, I could feel the very first wisp of victory go through me.

My first attempt at hunting had gone quite better than I expected. The very next week we'd somehow found ourselves at the same coffee shop for several impromptu discussions. By now Gerald had gotten a lot freer with me and talked about practically everything.

By the third date, he'd let subtle hints about his sexuality.

By the fifth date, he'd asked if I was seeing anyone.

The seventh time we met, it wasn't at the coffee shop but at a hotel right in the next town. He was afraid of anyone he knew seeing him there but I assured him that it would be fine. No one would recognize him. He could be free with me. Oh and how free he was.

It was my first time but I hardly cared as I was more engrossed in the passions and sensations which I had never experienced on my own. Gerald definitely fucked the way he lived: hot and entitled in everything he did. When we had both finished, I let him lie for half an hour on top of me with my fingers tangled in his hair while he lay placid like a cat.

He mumbled something about how his girlfriend Cynthia had never let him take her like that. I was too pleased with the news that I neglected to mention a minor detail to him. It didn't matter anyway. My mission had succeeded.

Gerard really had no need knowing that he'd just fucked his little brother's classmate.

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