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This literally the shortest epilogue in history.


"Ryan," Jason tried.

I packed up the last of my boxes into the taxi "Please don't." a part of me wanted to feel bad at the state of him.

It was a sunny day. Paloma's Authentic Restaurant was open and they still sold the best damn tacos I'd ever tasted. I got my tacos from there the first day I met Jason.

We also went there for our first date.

It was right there he handed me that last box of things I'd left at his place.

"I swear it wasn't my fault. I don't know what happened." He tried to plead.

"So your dick just fell into his mouth?" I asked sarcastically.

He was helpless "I was drunk. I swear I don't remember anything."

"That makes it all better doesn't it," I threw the last one into the taxi. "This is was all obviously a mistake. I'm the one who should be sorry."


"Sorry it every happened," I continued "Sorry that I was stupid enough to believe that we were something meant to be. The time for believing fairy tales is over."

Jason was on the very verge of tears. I forced myself to look away so that I didn't get the urge to comfort him. My mind flashed back to that moment when I first discovered him and that guy in the bathroom during the DIAMANDIS party. He was so out of it, he didn't even recognize me. The offending guy on his knees had an alarmed look on his face but it died down the minute I didn't react.

All I did was stand there for about two minutes before I closed the door. The first person I bumped into was the man who tried to hit on me before.

"Leave me alone!" I shouted before he could utter a word.

Leaving everyone who'd heard me flabbergasted, I stormed out of the event hall. That was when I went to Cornelius's house in the Upper East Side. I'd known his address previously but never visited him before. I didn't think I would ever want to.

 "What are you doing here?" He asked carefully. I was still in the clothes I'd worn to the party. It was 2am in the morning. On my face were dried tears and red rimmed eyes. I was an obvious mess.

"If you're still interested," my voice was sorrowful, firm "I want what you offered me in the beginning. I want a deal. I fuck you and you give me money, clothes and all the works. Whether you decide to add those things you said at the mall, it's your choice. I've told you all I want. Are you still interested?"

Cornelius paused "I do. I still want you."

"Good," I muttered. "Now I'm yours." He didn't waste time before pulling me into a crushing hug.

There was no such thing as love. I'd been right in the very beginning. Love is fake. Love is a useless dream. Love had done nothing but tear me down and left the pieces to rot.

Love was the sweetest poison and it had ruined me.

"I trusted you," a tear drop fell from my eye. "And you betrayed me."

Jason was fully crying now "I know but I swear that I didn't mean to. I don't know what happened."

"Stop saying you don't know!" I shouted. Angrily wiped the tears from my face with my sleeve "You were there! He was blowing you and you were there! How the fuck can you claim not to know?!"

He sobbed "I'm so very sorry Ryan. I love you and I'll always love you. I messed up, I swear I don't know what happened but I love you."

I closed my eyes "Love? Love is a joke. Nothing but a big fat lie we tell ourselves because we can't stand being alone. You don't love me. You never did."

"I do," He whispered. I entered the taxi "Goodbye Jason. I wish that I never met you."

The taxi sped off leaving him behind on the sidewalk. I didn't make it thirty seconds into the ride before I burst out in tears once again. "Damn young love," muttered the cab driver.

Hello wonderful readers, this story was a whirl wind for me and all of us combines. Thanks for taking the time to add each vote, comment and mode of support. I'm sorry about how things ended between Ryan and Jason but nothing is ever set in stone.

There is a second book.

Basically this will explore Ryan's past more in depth. We'll see how he and Jason survive without each other and if they'll ever get back together (spoiler alert, you all know the answer). There's going to be more twist and turns but because I'm me, you all will get a satisfied ending.

The name of this sequel is called Reckless. Check it out on my profile please. I promise you won't be disappointed.

 I promise you won't be disappointed

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