Chapter 8

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Hey guys. I was feeling nostalgic for some Ed Sheeran. That explains the song for this chapter. Plus it goes quite well with everything.


“So on scales of one to ten, how nerdy are you?” I asked Jason.

He laughed over the phone “Wow I was kind of waiting for that question to be honest. Maybe like six.”

“Six?” I asked leaning over my bathroom counter. “Describe what a stage six nerd entails.”

“I like comic books and video games but I draw a line at Star Trek and X Files. That’s the side of no return for extreme nerds.” He said making me chuckle a little.

His answer made me pout a little even though he couldn’t see me over the phone. “That’s too sad because I happen to like Star Trek and X-Files.

Almost to borderline obsession.”
“Oops.” He said making me hold in the urge to giggle out. “Then you’re an exception. Plus you’re cute which gives you obvious immunity.”

Compliments were my oxygen day and night since I received so many of them to last me but when Jason called me cute it caused a strange tingling sensation within me. As though it meant so much that he thought of me as cute.

We had been talking none stop since the day I returned his shirt for about a week. It surprised me that I didn’t lose interest in him yet like I had originally hoped on. With every conversation we had, I found myself liking him even more than I’d previously anticipated. We had many things in common which evolved past sex and intimacy. For me knowing that I had some sexual chemistry with a guy was good enough, I would work out the rest later.

But with Jason, the necessary things like favorite foods and songs seemed primary.

No one had ever actually cared what my favorite food was before.
“I just came from shooting at a magazine. Quite exhausting to be honest.” He said to me one fine evening. I had finished typing a paper for one of my classes and studied from noon till it was time for dinner.

I had two classes to attend but I ditched them since a nice girl I knew who attended both of them with me promised to email the notes to me.

Most times I found out that skipping a few classes was better because I could still get the gist of it from notes and it gave me time to study more.

“No hot models to warm you up.” I teased.

He snorted “Well it was for a home and gardening magazine and I’m not too attracted to cactus and daises so no.”

I laughed out at his reply “Oops. Maybe next time.”

“I doubt it. Besides I’m not really interested in the models I work with. Feels too much like mixing business with pleasure.” I found myself nodding even though he couldn’t see. That was quite a stretch to me seeing as pleasure was my business.

“And I don’t think any of them would be too eager to date a gay photographer.”

And the jackpot was hit.

I’d suspected that Jason wasn’t particularly straight and it was hard to sort of deny the subtle tension between us but it was much nicer to hear him actually state that he was gay.

“Too bad for them then.” I replied playing with the edge of my sweater.

“If I was a model you’d be the one I’d want shooting me.”

Wayward (Wayward #1) ✓ [bxb]Where stories live. Discover now