Chapter 22

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I know this is short but someone distracted while writing this...........stop thinking so dirty ;)

The gif above because we all need a bit of Jay to keep the day bright.

"I hope that you know what you're doing." Jay said seriously. We were currently having lunch at our usual diner since my class was cancelled and I was going to work in about two hours. After I told him about making up with Jason he'd been supportive but more warnings that insults were spoken towards the end.

"I do know what I'm doing." I replied sorting through my basket of fries. "He might have taken it a bit hard in the beginning but we're doing better now."

Our relationship had pretty much picked up from where we left it but with a few minor adjustments to add. Jason didn't seem as reserved as he previously was. He talked more openly even though he seemed hesitant to say some things. But it was ok by me.

Still I barely shared anything on my side and it left me with a tingling sensation of guilt. We both promised to be honest with each other but I had been leaving certain things out. It wasn't lying; they just never came up as real issues and for now I was grateful.

It didn't feel like I was ready enough to explain to Jason why I ate more some days and less on the others.

"I know but I just want you to be careful Ryan." Jay repeated.

"Hey, you're the one who always said that a real relationship would be better than what I was doing." I defended. "I enjoyed my time playing around but I like being with Jason more. He grounds me."

"That's great but not what I was - never mind." He seemed distracted.

"Anything wrong?" I asked cautiously because it wasn't a new occurrence. Jay had been a little distant and less jovial for the past few days. He was great at deflecting each time I asked but now the issue seemed big enough that he ignored his favorite lunch.

And nothing could normally distract Jay from his fries and onion rings.

He shook his head "It's me and Patrick. Things have been a bit difficult lately. He's been sleeping in the guest room for a week now."

That sparked my interest. It would be an understatement to say that I was surprised at his words. Patrick and Jay were pretty much the equivalent of a Disney couple. Sickening amounts of fluff radiated from them. Yes they obviously were expected to have disagreements but it was mostly about small, insignificant things.

Certainly nothing that would warrant Patrick sleeping on the couch for a week.

"Wanna talk about it?" I enquired.

He shrugged tiredly "My parents called me about a month ago."

That I did not know. The impression I'd always gotten was that Jay's family had treated him as though he was dead ever since he told them of his relationship with Patrick. Jay told me that his parents were conservative to the core and didn't take even hesitate before sending him out on the street. Only his kind grandmother made sure that he had a large share in her will before she died so that he wasn't completely defenseless in the world.

"About what?"

"They said that they wanted to see me. They said that they understood the gravity of their error and were willing to accept me for who I am." Jay said absently playing with a fry.

"So what was the problem?" I asked leaning back against the booth.

He let out a puff of air "Patrick didn't want me to. He said that if they were sincere then they'd seek me out instead of making me go to them. He said that they hadn't communicated to me in about 3 years and they expected me to just drop everything and come meet them."

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