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Lost in the crowd,

Trying not to stand out.

Yelling silently to myself,

Hide under a pretentious smile.


Martin Harding, my sort of friend. We have been friends for almost two years now. He was closer to Brenna then he was to me since Brenna was the one who did all the talking. He was too flirty to be a one woman guy. He was gorgeous to say the least with sandy brown hair and emerald green eyes. He had his fair share of girls ogling over him. And still often I noticed him hanging around us for some reason or another.

For some reason he paid more than required or deserved attention to me. I was not ugly, I was sort of pretty in a conventional, 1960's actress kind of way. But compared to today's model sexy girl I stand nowhere.

"Martin, it's good to see you too." I said as a reply to his peck.

I flinched inwardly at his touch, I was like that now. Intimacy scared me but I didn't let it show.

"How come you have turned beautiful over past month?" Martin was up with flirting again.

"She didn't see you Martin." Brenna mocked him.

Brenna and Martin were like long lost siblings. They bickered like one at least.

I sighed and looked around, I have lived through classes. I will survive this time too. This was my senior year, I will create beautiful memories. I liked school, it finished half of the day, kept my mind occupied but I hated the groups, the crowd, the gathering. And when I had to join after the accident with my nerves a wreck, I was more sensitive to everything now.

Seclusion was one of my characteristics.

First class was my least favourite, Chemistry. I couldn't remember all the equations that came with the subject. My luck was starting to show its true colour.

Ms Tanya Ishcovitz entered the class, she was nicest teacher when it came to looks but her nature's rude to say, she was a bitch.

"I want to you sit in an alphabetical order so move away from your friends. I hope you could breathe without them." She said in a high pitched venomous tone.

See, that's why I hated her. Who separates you from your friends?

So Brenna was sitting next to Cara and I was with Evan. Thy luck goes astray sinking all associated together. I had to say, it was our combined bad luck to be seated next to two douche bags of our class. Cara was not the plastics from the Mean Girl, girls' like that don't room around freely anymore. Cara was the like a cat, adorable outside and cunning inside.

She was beautiful with wine coloured hair and deep blue eyes, statuesque figure and was covered in make-up from head to toe. She smiled with a secret reason behind and was never rude to your face. But she had the vibe of bad girl, I just knew. Evan was 'the golden boy' and my ex-boyfriend who was rich, good at sports and handsome.

We dated for three months before he realise I was too much of a nerd for him and till he and Cara started going out. To my utter disapproval he still calls me babe and sometimes flirts with me. I have to admit, my choice of boys have not been quiet sane. Now I realise, I would never have picked Evan as my boyfriend or to say Martin. But Martin remains more of a friend, so that leaves Evan as my bad choice. Again, he gave the bad boy vibe, like he had the right to do whatever he feels like and can get away with it.

Ms. Tanya was teaching something and I absent-mindedly started taking notes, completely ignoring the fact that my ex-boyfriend was next to me.

"Babe, you can't just ignore me. I am your chem partner for a semester now." Evan said obviously smiling.

"I am not ignoring, I am concentrating on what is being taught in the class." I whispered, still avoiding him.

Like I said I was bad at small talks.

"You look prettier and sexier." His tone was appreciative and amused.

Now I looked at him and rolled my eyes. He grinned at me.

He was cute but the poetic feeling of love never came. The kind of love made you dream and write songs, the love only possible in movies, the love I desired.

I started sketching out of sheer boredom. I tried, honestly, but couldn't get a word of what Ms. Tanya was saying. I just have to memorize in time of need.

And as expected, Evan was paying close unnecessary attention to me. I might have been feeling slightly warm. Hated being scrutinized, remember?

"You still like me, admit it." Evan said.

"You wish." I answered back, still sketching.

"I still think about you." He suddenly stated and my heart stopped for a while.

I was not good in dealing with all this. And now after the accident, I was even worse with people.

"I have a boyfriend, you know, Martin." I answered not trying to give away my discomfort.

"It's more of a friend thing, I noticed babe. There is no desire or passion, things I feel on seeing you after holidays. I realised I missed you Freya." He said with no hesitation and with all seriousness.

I gulped, feeling queasy. I was in a fragile state right now and I had no idea for how long I will be like this. I was not sure how long it will take me to get over the accident.

"Stop with the flirting already. Ishcovitz is watching and so is your girlfriend." I tried to sound cool and not affected by his talk.

He sighedand finally gave up. Surprisingly it was fast and I too sighed with relief.

As soon as the bell rang, I sprang and was about to rush out of the class and weirdness. But Evan caught my arm and pulled me closer.

"Evan, let go of me." I said almost laughing at his attempt.

"Freya, just so you know I broke up with Cara." He said this with so much intensity that I stopped breathing for a while.

And then he winked at me and left me stunned.

What did the boy wanted? Wasn't he the one who dumped me?

I was starting to detest my first day at school already and it was just beginning.

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