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Preparing for worst,

Her pain is too much,

I try to heal,

With a gentle touch.


Haylien was crossing his boundaries. I knew he hated me but he cannot go as far as joining the school with humans.

"What is he doing here?" Freya whispered urgently.

I shrugged keeping my eyes at him. He perfectly ignored me and smiled like a good boy to people around him. What was his game?

The Biology teacher entered the class and I heard Freya sigh in relief. She thought that Haylien will behave in front of teacher. She was so wrong.

But the class went on without any problems. Mt constant attention was on Haylien and my hand gripped tightly on Freya. She never once pushed me away and let my hand stay where it was. She accepted my touch and even in this disastrous situation I felt satisfied.

As soon as the class got over I almost jumped out of the seat pulling Freya behind me. But I noticed Haylien gave me a sadistic smile and turned his attention to Hazel. Now the realisation dawned on me. I have been so focused on my girl that I didn't realise there were other ways to hurt her. Through the people she cared about.

"Freya, please try to understand since I brought down all this on you. Haylien might try to harm Hazel or Brenna to get to you but for me you are first and I stand to protect you but I promise I will do everything in my power to protect your friends." I explained it to her with desperation that she will understand that though it is my fault, I just did out of care.

I could see her eyes tearing up and she doing her best to stop her tears from trickling down on her rose petal cheeks.

"I trust you Alexander, God knows I do, I don't know why but I just trust you more than I have trusted my family. But as your duty is protecting me I have my priorities and it's not me but my friends." She stated clearly her voice filled with a note of decision and determination.

She had made her mind to help them.

For a moment I lost my breathe which was totally human thing to do when her eyes lifted to meet mine and said with so much belief and conviction that she trusted me . I wanted to embrace her warmly but I decided to leave it, yet. But she thought that protecting her was just my duty.

She didn't know it was my choice, my life. Does she consider everything I do for her a job description? If she only knew what all I have done in name of this job...will she call me a stalker? I cringed at an angel being called a stalker, but surprisingly I fit the description.

Even now I watched her with adoration I couldn't decipher in the beginning but now I know. I watched her breath; her eyes react to everything around her and most importantly her smile which was replaced by a grim pursed line. It was a small thing but it bothered me more than anything. It was really messy with angels fall in love.

We actually define the word 'fall' here! Angels are obsessive in nature.

"What are we planning then?" She asked waiting for my decision and response.

If she wanted to walk in as a friend to face the danger I had no other option but to be her shadow and her shield.

"You decided, I will be with you whatever you choose to do." She gave me a relieved innocent smile that made me feel proud of myself. Something I have never felt no matter how hard I tried.

"Ok then we will follow Haylien and keep an eye on him; if he tries something bad you can handle him, right?" She had the simplest plan and complete trust in me.

I grinned at her.

"I know this is a lame plan but I have no clue what angels can do so I can't just walk in and kick his butt. And- And I kind of lost my stableness after tha-that night." She explained as if she knew what I was thinking.

"No plan is perfect. You do know my fiore; I am the most powerful being in my realm. Have a little faith in my power." I said with a light tone.

Those made her laugh and tremble to my heart.

"Yeah sure. I completely depend on your power." She said it like she couldn't believe I had power.

This infuriated me slightly but I kept my anger in control, I could never be harsh with her no matter how powerless she considered me. But my temper made me ask a question.

"So you think I am kidding about me being powerful. Guardian angels are pretty damn awesome." I said it like a defensive answer.

She gave a smile , not the happy one but the one without humour and filled with mockery.

"I know you are an angel Alexander, I know you are powerful to what extent I have no idea and you will tell me once we are free. But for now I just couldn't start believing that someone so wonderful and invincible is here to protect me...my dream could shatter."

I reprimanded myself for being angry at her, she was not underestimating me she was too afraid to believe that I was true and was here for her.

We walked and reached the parking garage. And I squeezed my eyes and cursed inside I was so totally focused on her that I lost Haylien. She was making me lose my swagger. I was known for killing a dozen demons my just a glare from my eyes. What the hell was she doing?

"Where is he? Did we lose them?" The panic was evident in her tone.

"I think so. My brother is sneaky I will give him that." I said through gritted teeth and sense of minor loses.

"Maybe he is but Hazel has a mobile and we could track her." She immediately opened her cell phone and looked for Hazel's location.

"Alexander!", her tone heavy with grief and surprise.

I looked at the gps tracker and knew her sense of despair, because tracker saw that Hazel and Brenna were at same location. How the holy hell did he carried two girls with him?

"They are too far away? How come?" She asked, her eyes still trembling with hopelessness.

As devastated as I felt and as much of a dire situation it was I gave her a small smile.

"Allow me to show how they are so far away and what all angels can do." And before she could formulate a reply I gathered her soft form in my arms.

It was like carrying a ball of fire. She was light, fragile yet so real and amazing in my arms. I could feel the surge of heat when I picked her up. I noticed the blush on her cheek and question in her eyes but all I could concentrate on her soft , small form so close to me. Her hands snaked around my neck for a better grip. Her fingers sent a tingle wherever they touched.

I grinned and spurting out my wings and I flew.

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