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Close to the sun,

It's warm and radiance.

Closer you get,

You scorch and burn.


Being around her was bliss. Visible or invisible. I decided to hide for few days to see her reaction. But mostly because I was troubled that she saw me that night. Will that scare her; will she not accept me even as her friend? So I decided to leave Alicia in charge and see if I can live a week without her. Did she miss me? Though I still didn't knew what she thought about me. She dodged her friend when she asked about me. But I saw the look of relief when I showed up for maths class to defend her from Evan. She actually handled him quiet well but boy was not the one to take no for an answer.

And she refused to change seats at chem; she wanted me as her partner. It was like a dream where I had all that I desired, freedom and her. But a dream usually shatters and so did mine.

Adonael, an archangel was sent to reprimand me for my selfish actions. No, he was not someone above me but he had been my teacher and mentor. But most importantly he treated me like a friend, unlike others who either looked at me with contempt or with fear.

"Alexander, it seems like you are having too much fun."Adonael commented not sounded offended or anything.

"Not yet Nael, I am still trying to be a gentleman." I answered with apt amount of cockiness.

"Oh that must be painful." He teased me back.

I grinned at him but he just shook his head like I was hopeless. Maybe from his perspective I was.

"Why are you here Adonael?" I asked knowing the answer too well.

"Elites sent me to warn you. They won't come directly so they wanted me to tell you that you should stop with all this rule breaking. What you are doing is against the tradition and on some level, blasphemous." He said it like a speech.

"They won't or they can't?" I asked about the part that mattered most.

Adonael was silent and I took his silence as a yes to my question, they can't. They have a minor idea of how disastrous it will get for them and humans if I lose my temper.

"Please, Alexander. I know you like her but don't do this or you will lose her even as your human. They will assign some other angel to her. If you keep up they might even not assign her one." He said obviously knowing that she was my weakness.

"Like? Are we still stuck on that? I love the girl. If you summarise my instinct to protect her even from too harsh sun or my fathomless desire for her or my habit of watching her every move or breathing with relief listening to her heartbeat, as love then I love her.

You do understand that she is the only reason I am as calm and friendly as possible. She is my home and tell the Elites, if they take away my home or even try to lay a finger on her, I will not be as ignorant as I pretend to be." I ended with my speech.

Adonael looked troubled.

He sighed and said, "You are doing wrong Alexander, to her and yourself. You are bound to take responsibility someday. And at that time you will have to leave her and then she will be pursued by the enemies you make now."

Adonael had a point, I cannot avoid Heaven forever. I was supposed to return before the patience of angels above snapped.

"I will handle the future when it comes. For now, let me live." I replied as calmly as possible.

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