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Suddenly valiant,

All fear is gone.

Choosing heart over mind,

Subduing brain with brawn.


So I made a deal with devil. Okay, that was exaggeration. Not with the devil but the Elder angel Prince Haylien. He saw I was distress and decided to help me for some reason. I knew Alexander disliked each other but to me it looked it sibling thing not hate enough to kill thing.

And I had no other option. My angel has always been with me, near me to help me now I wanted to return the favour. This might make him angry but I was going with the crazy plan nevertheless.

"Now princess I will help you get to heaven but from there you are on your own. I will not be seen with a human, I already have a tainted history." Haylien warned as he got ready for flight.

It still took me time to adjust when white wings opened, Haylien's flecked with slight grey and silver. I had no idea what the colour meant. But it look magnificent, truthfully I have seen three angels with wings so far ...Alexander was the most stunning and breathe taking of them all.

Or maybe I was biased.

"Just tell me how to find Alexander?" I asked keeping my tone clipped despite the fear building inside me,

Will I be able to return to earth after? I decided to shove that thought away and go with the plan anyway.

Haylien grinned at my question and shook his head like I had no idea of what was happening. I was annoyed.

"How do you feel now, princess?"Haylien asked.

For a moment I allowed myself to think what I am feeling. I was afraid, worried, exhilarated, out of my mind and then I realised I felt a weird hollowness in my heart. Not to exaggerate but I could like feel the vacuum built in my heart, it was painful and uncomfortable at certain level.

"You feel it don't you? You could feel the uneasiness in their without you guardian around. It happens normally when human do not have their guardians around, the depressing day. Once you lose that feeling and are happy and whole again, you will know Alexander is around. You have an advantage in this case." Haylien explained nicely considering his reputation for me.

So now I know the abrupt moment of panic I had when he said he was leaving for a while. I could feel the loss of my guardian angel but somewhere deep down in my heart I was know it was more than that.

"Now may I princess?" Haylien asked an amused smile playing on his lips.

I scowled at him, I know he had to carry me to Heavens and I do not want to be in his arms. But with Alexander in my mind I stepped forward silently allowing him to pick me up. Still amused he lightly picked me up not like Alexander did but by my waist in a partial hug posture. I was relieved and surprised at his angelic behaviour.

I flinched as he touched me, my usual self in form. My heart was in my throat and I felt in sick as he lifted me up. I was still not used to intimacy with someone with the exception of Alexander and I wanted nothing more than being intimate with him. God Help me!

I squeezed my eyes shut and concentrated on breathing. I was feeling nauseous and terrified in Haylien's arm. I repelled any touch, even before the accident. I was not a hug or even a hand shake person and accident worsened me.

"I am not as evil as my brother said." Haylien said as we landed somewhere.

He put me down and I opened my eyes and gasped loudly. I was holding my breath and my hands were forced into a fist so tight that my knuckles painfully protruded out and my palm had marks even thought my nails were not even grown long.

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