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In the chill of winter,

Longing for warmth,

His touch, his gaze,

Is the fire I want?


The earth was not on its axis and something has drastically changed. The sexiest guy on this planet was staring at me. I couldn't swallow my lunch with him watching. After a generous gap of time, I looked up and he was intently staring. But he was not staring in a creepy, lustful way. He was staring at me like I was an exquisite work of art, something he adored and would allow no harm to come to it.

I was feeling warm inside. I pretended to me engaged in talking but few times I looked up and our eyes briefly met. Obviously, I immediately looked away.

So, I made a conclusion in my mind. Maybe, as it happens when you are thinking deeply about something you keep staring at a particular thing without realising you are doing so. Maybe he was having that thoughtful moment. Because I was not gorgeous enough to stare at for long time.

And then at a point I looked up and he was smiling at Cara and talking about something. I was shocked to realise I was feeling a pang of jealousy. I should not be feeling this way.

Maybe I was too obvious with this jealousy emotion when he came to me and asked me about the bonfire. I controlled my emotions but was it successful with him around? No. His eyes were twinkling with happiness, maybe because of girls flocking over him. He looked at me with so much feeling that I had to remember to keep breathing and not hyperventilate for that matter.

When Brenna told him we were going his response surprised me even more than I already was. What did he mean was he this flirty around every girl?

With a dazzling smile, he turned around to go and my impulsive side got hold of me. I grabbed his wrist and a shocking wave of electric current and warmth went through me. It didn't seem it affected him much. Naturally it didn't, I just held his hand. I was the one repulsing human touch since the incident, holding him was not antagonising, rather it was being near fire in freezing winter.

Comforting and warm. He looked surprised and before I could drown in embarrassment, I thanked him for how he dealt with Evan. I hated being centre of attention and drama with Evan was doing just that. And I was kind of scared when he declared of not letting me go this easily, sounded stalkerish.

There was still time for the next class, so I decided to go to library.

Library was my favourite place on earth only if I could get my favourite books. I was always a fantasy lover but other books attracted me as well. Right now I was addicted to books about miracles. It was not about the miracles happened in real world but the about a young boy who lost everything in his life and how miracles changed his course of life.

I grabbed the third part of the book and sat down to read it. There were few other students and it was quite another reason I loved this place.

I have just read merely two pages, when I was interrupted.

"What are you reading?" Alexander sat down across me, he eyes searching for title of the book.

I politely showed him the cover and smiling amused about something he nodded.

"You believe in miracles?" He asked as if hoping that I say yes.

"Yes, actually I do. There is someone above who hears and sees all our problems. Miracles happen if you believe in Him." I answered truthfully anticipating his reaction.

Leaning a bit towards me, he asked, "Do you believe in angels?"

Normally I would have squirmed at the intimacy but when he leaned in, my breathing hitched and undoubtedly I blushed. I could feel the heat till my ears. But I stayed at my place and dared to look in his eyes, my violet. Back in my head there was a question, was he the one?

But my answer came out in a trance as I gazed through the depths of those violet eyes, forgetting anything and everything around me.

"Yes, I do." I waited for him to laugh or judge me.

But he looked at me with sincerity and his usual intensity. We were inches apart and a slight movement on either part would have caused a jolt of electric current.

What did he want with me?

"You know there are prettier girls around." I blurted out to break the awkward silence.

He moved away and his posture relaxed. He gave a sexy carefree smile leaving me mesmerised.

"Besides you? I haven't noticed." He said with a ring of truth to his words.

He was just messing around. And by with his looks are allowed to do so to some extent.

I laughed, he was good at flirting I will give him that.

"What do you think about angels?" He suddenly asked.

Now I felt he was mocking me but his expression said otherwise. He might be laughing from within.

But I answered, "My mother is very religious so from an early age I was taught about religion, God and angels. So I believe if so many people have hope and so many prayers are fulfilled there is some light and higher power."

"No, I asked what do you think about angels." He asked again wanting to hear something different.

I thought for a while and then answered him again this time gathering the courage to say it to this face, "I have faith that angels guide and protect humans. At least I know I have my angel protecting me."

I don't even know why I said that out loud. I wanted to bite my tongue and run away embarrassed but now I have said it. I was desperate to find the owner of my violet eyes.

His eyebrows cocked up at my answer. I tried to decipher his thoughts. He was worried, amazed and then there was this look in eyes I couldn't fathom, adoration.

"So you think you have your own guardian angel? Does the guy in your book here do?" He asked trying to read between the lines.

"Well if you are a non-believer than I could do nothing about it. But don't try to ruin my faith; I have my own strong reasons to have these beliefs." I said with certain level of annoyance now looking away from him unintentionally pouting a bit.

And then out of nowhere his hand reached to my loose strand of hair and tugged it back gently behind my ear, I stopped breathing and looked at him.

"Oh, I believe Freya that if there is a person who deserve to be guarded by angels, it is you." He said in a low sexy tone his eyes adoring my every feature making me feel beautiful.

I would have moved away, I should have moved away but I was unlike myself. I kept staring in his eyes and hung to his every word.

As he left me giving a gentle smile, his unusual eyes saying multiple things I sighed heavily, restarting my heart beat and breathing.

This guy was doing more than flirting and I was ok with it. After the incident I flinched even when my friends came near but I felt the warmth and secure when he was close. I buried myself in my hands and in my head I replayed the way he said my name like it was pure bliss.

Even if I didn't believe in magic before somewhere in the dumb portion of my mind, that dumb portion now believes in magic. Because Alexander's magic had me enchanted and crave for something I feared for some time.

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