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My reason of existence,

My duty and my fate.

No harm shall come to you,

This is a promise I make.


Haylien was dangerous. He has detested me for as long as I can remember and now he was here. He was breaking the rule of staying hidden like me but he will be punished harshly unlike me. Freya always good with instincts looked terrified to see my brother.

But the worst thing he did was introducing him as Angel Prince. She will be devastated that I lied to her and never once agreed to be her saviour she was so desperately searching for. Usually humans are less accepting to someone different from them. Will she be bothered by who I am?

Father left me the throne and Haylien always wanted it and we had the cliché sibling rivalry for throne. Unlike being a good little brother I knew I was born to rule, unlike him who was nothing but a shame to angels. Not to mention he even consorted with demons once. This reduced his credibility among angels and he was demoted to the position of palace guard.

The only other angel he cared about was our sister Alicia. But he hated me even more than anyone in heaven or on earth.

And now he was torturing me by trying to harm my human. When it comes to protecting her, I think Haylien have to think twice before touching her. I am not that lenient in her matter.

"Elder Angel Prince you say? You are kidding right? You are more like demonic prince, no soothing aura around you." She said surprising me and shocking Haylien.

That's my girl.

"She knows about you?" Haylien asked his first plan to reveal my true nature to her was crushed.

"She had her doubts and she is excellent with instincts." I said with a casual shrug.

My hands reached out almost automatically and held hers' just in case.

I felt a tremor run across her but she didn't push me away. She was not afraid of me yet she wasn't completely trusting. That was fair enough.

"Haylien you don't want to test my patience. As far as I know authorities still lie with me." I warned him.

But he smiled evilly.

"Oh, I am not here to create trouble brother. I am under orders from our Aunt Lizea. She wanted me to look after you, so I will be joining in as a history teacher since that is the only subject I am good at." Haylien said satisfaction and vice.

"So aunt Lizea has managed to use her serpent tongue to manipulate the Elders into putting my position to test. Do they think you could be a better ruler?" I asked trying to get to know his motive.

All this while she listened carefully.

"No, no Alex, they don't even see me as ruler. They just want me to keep the present one and line and return to his responsibilities. Or else face consequences." On the last word his gaze shifted to her.

I could feel she was afraid yet not cowardly enough so scurry away. Rather she had a tinge of fight in her.

"I will return once I feel like it and once the dirty scheming stop and we all start behaving like Angels. And do not call me Alex!" I replied angrily since he targeted her.

He gave me a slight smile accompanied with look of I-knew-it and some deadly plan.

"Then it will be fun hanging around you guys and enjoy your constant acts of denial. You highness." With that he left bowing slightly to me and then to her.

Acts of denial? The sentence had so many interpretations but he let it slide for a while there were more important matters at hand.

Like to see, how was my human feeling.

"Freya, are you alright?" I asked.

And you cannot imagine how I was feeling. I felt guilty, worried, for the first time scared and intrigued about what she was thinking and how will she react.

She was looking at me with awe, a bit of fright and maybe I thought gratefulness.

"You are my violet eyes, you are my angel." She said with delight and an emotion I couldn't comprehend.

I nodded and her slight smile widened with a dazzle in her eyes. I was tiny bit relieved, she was not angry.

"Oh my God! It is you, actually you. I was actually saved by an angel." She said still too amazed.

I had to laugh, her reaction was not as I expected. I noticed the slight dimple that adorned her cheek, the flush of excitement in her eyes, her heart beat racing miles in a second.

"Why didn't you tell me before? I saw you –I saw you that night." She recalled a certain hesitation and uneasiness from bad memory.

"I couldn't. That's a rule I thought I will follow. We are not allowed to meet, interact or tell about us to the human we protect." I explained still a tinge of guilt inside me.

"Who are you, can you tell me everything?" She asked with a slight tilt of her head, biting the inside of her cheek.

She wanted to know if I was comfortable about telling her all my secrets. Her actions awed me every time. I admired her innocent questioning look and yet again stop myself for burying her in my embrace.

"Don't you have a class to attend?" I asked making sure she wanted to know everything.

She edged forward with a certain level of excitement and impulsively took a hold of my hand. Her gesture took me by surprise. I reacted weirdly at her touch. I was not an angel that was truly angelic, sometimes I have used my looks to my advantage but touching girls have never been this unnerving.

A slight brush against her was like a like electric shock, a pleasant yet breath stopping shock. She didn't notice my anguish as she dragged me along all her shyness gone.

We walked; actually I was pulled along till we reached a small garden behind the school. It was a place for kindergarten kids but now it was just a garden with some withered plants and rusty swings.

"Now we can talk?" She asked again as if making me comfortable while what I wanted was the other way round.

"Ask me anything?" I said smiling at her pondering over a question face.

I loved the adorable side of her.

She thought for a moment and then her mind settled on a priority question.

And her question took away the coolness and greatness I held, making my brain beg for an answer, like giving a tough exam you desperately want to pass.

"Will you always be with me?" She asked softly and too hopefully.

Not about who was I, why I was here or can I harm her in some way. She asked me a question everyone was asking; I wanted an answer too and could tilt the course of heaven.

And yet to this fatal and heavy question, I gave a simple answer that was truthful to her and me, "Forever, I promise."

I should have kicked myself for saying this or be worried of the repercussion of my deep truthful promise but I knew that was the right answer and I intend to follow it when I saw the relief, the happiness and God forbid to some level , love in her eyes.

And finally I agreed to something I have been denying too long, she is my destiny and now she is my addiction. No matter what happens and I could not, I would not leave her. I was and will always be her personal guardian angel.

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