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Distance does it,

Makes me realise,

How much I miss her,

I need her to survive.


It broke my heart into million pieces to see her this sad. I was surprised and pleased that she wanted me around that much. The instant panic and sadness in her eyes when I told her I was leaving was like she was getting habitual of my presence, I was hoping for more than habitual.

I gave her a farewell hug but that was not enough for me , I wanted to hold on to her, feel her and never let her go. But I was doing the opposite. I will be back after I find out what was the matter with Alicia. Alicia I knew couldn't do such a thing there was something wrong with whole scenario. No one died, it was just warning for me.

I couldn't just accept that my sister was evil or that she would try to hurt someone I loved with all my heart and soul. I needed time to figure out what was happening. I was gone to long and people forgot who I was and what I was capable of. I needed to remind them that who was the invincible one. And then I will be back to protect my human.

There was a mess of emotions inside her when she felt guilty for being a trouble to me. She fumbled with her thoughts and answer, I should have told her she was anything but trouble for me.

Would she be too shocked if I told her that she was a rhythm to my heartbeat? Was it too absurd?

I dropped the idea and just turned away, it was a pain to give pain to her. I stopped sensing her emotions so that I could stop torturing myself. I heard her gasp in awe as my wings erupted I had to actually kill myself inside to not turn and see her innocent, adorable reaction when she sees me with wings.

I meant to keep my promise of forever with her.


Heaven. It is exactly like humans imagine and yet so different. It's like a highly lighted up city with clean energy that is to say divine energy. We have the governments, Elites, the warriors, the advisors, the guardians and other minor posts angel. And then there is my family, Archangels.

We are the Rulers. I will not go in detail about my family, trust me it's not that interesting. Short and important version, the elder son of family becomes the King of Heaven and other siblings could take on any job they like or just live as lower royalty. But my brother had his bad moments and worked with demons for some reason I still don't know. I was too carefree and fun loving to care. I had no idea I would have to take the throne.

Then the Elites refused to follow Haylien as King and I had to step in. Oh and my father was very much alive, he stepped down when in the major dark battle he lost his love and my mother. Queen Amelia was the perfect Angel, as humans expect us to be. I loved her and not to brag but I was her favourite among the siblings.

She had her own sad history with her best friend who left when she fell in love with a human. I do not know the details but her advisor fell in love with a human male, since she was a low post angel they might have killed taken away the memories of human she loved and she must have been severly punished. That left her sad and lifeless but what hit her hard when her own son consorted with demons. Alicia was young and had no idea but I was clear what politics was being played.

Aunt Lizea, our serpent of a relative was the cunning one behind the whole thing.

For now it's too painful to relive the death of my mother and how it all happened but I actually lost my mind then. All the emotions pent up inside me came raging out and I destroyed half the heaven at that time and surely but intentionally some of the earth.

That was the day Elites realised by power and with it my short temperament, a fatal combination. The last person I cared about was my mother, I was deeply attached to her, I believed in love because of her and when she told me even Angels have right to love, I knew she was not just consoling me, she was telling the truth. I didn't realise it until I met her, almost an year after my mother faded.

I rebelled from throne, our palace and decided to become guardian angel. My mother was one before she became queen. And then I was allotted to her, my human, my love.

Everyone knows they cannot defy me, I am their King and I was powerful but they still plan to give me pain.

As if taking away my mother was not enough.

So, basically Heaven is as beautiful as humans imagine but we have our own set of politics going on with manipulative candidates and evil mind. Power actually corrupts.

I felt everything in extreme, love for my mother hate for Elites, grudge against my brother, rage towards Aunt Lizea and then extremity reached it peaks for her.

A little secret about angels: We are created with a pre connection cord to put it simply. Sometimes God ties Angels with angels, usually this happens then some rare one may be linked to demons too but then once in millennia an angel is linked to human but never an Archangel, we are the rulers we cannot to such things. But in my case something drastic happened and my fate was intertwined with a human.

So to say I cannot unlink something God Himself did so she is and will always be the one who I will love. And also cannot ignore my immense attraction and magnetic pull towards her. With that beautiful face and golden heart I don't think she needed any connection to me for making me love her.

I always thought why me? Why it has to be in Archangels to have this disastrous situation that will be painful for the girl who was born to be mine. What if I have never become a guardian angel and was never allotted to her? I choose to ignore this bad thought.

"This is a pleasant surprise Your Highness. What did we do to be graced with your presence?" Aunt Lizea's detestable voice penetrated through my reverie.

I was not surprised to see her there actually I expected her to be there. Alicia was too sisterly and caring to go murderous on anyone let alone my reason of survival, she was the one that even kept brothers talking.

Aunt Lizea was another royal with mind manipulation and I know she put Alicia to her dirty works.

"It seems you are not surprised or I should say not pained by your sister's betrayal." The devious smile appeared on her face.

I bit back the rage building inside me. My anger as now it was clear was very destructive.

"I am not here to be a puppet to your prestigious group, set my sister free from your stupid games and mind control." I almost threatened her.

I saw the tinge of fear in her eyes but she recovered and the smile remained on her face. She was afraid of me, everyone was.

"Now , now Alexander. The game has just begun and I'll tell you this much dear your sister is the least important piece, we still have Freya Morenson in picture. Lovely Girl, I should say." She threatened me back with my only weakness.

And my only strength. She had no idea to what lengths I could go to protect my human and I wasn't a little bit hesitant to say that right now with my mother gone I could even choose her over my family. She declared the war, she will have it.

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