The Feeling

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Matt's POV

"Damn that girl is on fire." I said to Taylor who was at my side. "Dude, she's in 9th grade and were what? 10th." He punched my shoulder. "What's wrong with that?" "Man, I don't know." He said walking away. I ran to him. "Dude, I think I like her." I said while still staring at her. "You know what? It's just a feeling." Taylor said. "But I'm in love with the feeling." I said while smiling. "Up to you man." He pat my shoulder.


It's me and Cameron together now since Taylor got some work to do. We went to the cafeteria. We were finding a seat but none was vacant. "Dude, how about we sit by with that hot chick right there?" Cameron hit me with his elbow and pointed at the...GIRL I LIKED. "Come on dude let's go." Cam said forcing me. "Dude, we can't." Sweat started forming in my forehead. I wasn't ready for this. But she's pulling me like gravity making me want to go closer to her.

"Hey, is it okay to sit by next to you? No seats were vacant and you looked lonely and maybe you wanted someone to talk to." Cam said and looked at me. "Oh ugh this is my friend Matthew by the way." I then smiled. "Hi nice to meet you uhhhh..." I said not even knowing her name. "Y/n" She smiled. "Oh, then nice to meet you y/n!" "Nice to meet you Matthew and Cameron and of course I don't mind both of you sit by next to me." She smiled at us and she continued eating her bagel. " Damn I can't believe I'm eating next to the most beautiful girl that I have ever laid my eyes on.

Your POV

Matthew, your crush since the time you moved to this school. You friends told you many guys in school liked you. Jack, your boyfriend is a bit over protective when it comes to you. When he sees you talking to a guy he would give him a purple eye right after. You liked him but you don't love him. He keeps on controlling you like as if he was your ruler.

"So Matthew and Cameron, you know my boyfriend right?" You said and saw Matt's smile before faded away. "Yeah" Both of them said. "Well, I have a problem." You said with a worried tone. "What's up with him." Cameron asked. "Well since he is not here in school today, I want to say something to you guys." Both of them looked at you and listened. "Well, he...he is not right for me." "What do you mean?" Matthew asked. "He is a bit overprotective, I mean a bit I mean VERY overprotective." "Why are you with him then?" "He forced me to be with him." "Well that sucks." Cameron said. You looked at Matt and saw he was really quiet. "What's wrong Matt? How come you are so quite today?" You asked. "Nothing" he said. "Oh alright well I gotta go to my next class bye guys and hope everything will be alright Matt." You said and walked to your next class.

When Matt and Cameron was sitting next to you. You felt something that was right. You felt no one was harming you. You felt protected and you're in love with the feeling.

-the next day-

You went to your locker and grabbed the things that you needed. You felt someone hugged you from the back and you thought of Matt first but when you turned around it was Jack. "Hi babe, miss me?" Jack said and kissed your forehead. "Umm Jack?" "What babe?" He then pinned you up against the locker and kissed you on the neck. "Jack...s-stop!" Yoiu screamed but he still continued. "JACK! STOP!" You kept repeating and repeating but he never listens. You started to think about Matt and closed your eyes. As soon as you closed your eyes you felt someone punched Jack. You opened your eyes and saw it was Matt. You quickly ran towards them and start making them stop. "Guys! Stop it now!" I moved Matt away from Jack. "No, y/n he was hurting you." He walked to Jack but Jack punched him. "Babe, who is this?" He said and slapped yiu in the face. "Ow! Just get out of here Jack." He then went away and you went beside Matt and saw his temple bleeding and his lip cut open. You called the nurse in the clinic but Matt got a huge injury that he needed to be in the hospital.

-few hours later-

You waited outside with Matt's friends waiting for the doctor to tell us about his injury. "So y/n, Matt told us every single day about you." You looked at Taylor who was staring at you. "Yeah, he says that you are so beautiful and I guess he was right." Taylor then said. "Really?" You blushed. "I have to tell you guys but please don't tell him this." "Okay" All of them said and listened. "Ever since I went to our school in 7th grade, I always wanted him but I thought he never felt the same." You then looked at them. "Well you were wrong, he told us about him asking you out but he never had the guts." You then giggled. "Really?" "Yeah" Nash said.

After all the conversations the doctor then told all of you about the news. "So I have a bad and a good news. The bad new is he has a coma since there was a major injury on his right temple and the good news is that he will be perfectly fine later on." The boys then went worry less except for you. You can't believe he is in a coma but what if he will forget you. It was already 2am and we all went to sleep at the waiting area since its not yet ready to be visiting him in there.

-3 days had passed-

You went to the hospital to visit Matt he hasn't opened his eyes for 3 days now and you were getting worried. You went to his room and sat by his side. You can't get him out of your head and you were crazy in love with him. You kissed his cheek and a tear started to form in your eyes. "Matt, you haven't noticed but I loved you from the start. I wanted you, only you. You made me feel special when you are around me. You make me crazy when you talk to me. I am madly in love with you Matt and I won't forget every little things you have said to me. I love you." You hugged him and kissed his forehead. You felt something moving and you then saw Matt moving his eyelids. "M-matt?" You said and started wiping the tears that were on your face. "I love you too." You heard Matt while you were wiping your tears away. "Matt! You are awake! Do you still remember me?" You said. "Of course, how could I forget the most wonderful girl in the world?" He said. "Don't cry y/n I'm fine." You kissed him and you felt right. His lips and yours felt right. You pulled away. "Are you in love with feeling?" Matt asked. "I am in love with the feeling."

You and Matt then became the new school's OTP and you guys were happy together and both of you really did love the feeling.

A/N: Hey guys this imagine is kind of inspired by Justin Beiber's song in his album Purpose called "The Feeling" and damn that song is just amazeballs! So shout out to JBeibs!

And omg guys thank you for almost 200 reads you guys are the best!

Matthew Espinosa ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now