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Y/n's POV

(Also pretend that you are a special guest at Matt's tour)

Today, me and the guys are going to California for Matt's tour. We are now all settled down inside the bus just chilling and having fun, since I am the only girl they kept making fun of me which was really annoying.

I got really bored so I went to my suitcase and pulled out my book which I am currently reading. I sat on the coach as the boys kept talking and having fun.

As I was reading the book, I felt that someone is looking at me for some reason. I looked at the boys and saw Matt starring at me. I furrowed my eyebrows at him but still he hasn't stop. "Matt! What?" I said letting my voice higher so he can snap out of it. "Uh..n..n..nothing." He said stuttering. He is so cute when he stutters.

I just ignored his answer and continued reading the book.

Hours later, I got tired and needed to rest badly. I got up from the couch and headed to the bunk beds. I climbed to the top one and slowly drifted to sleep.


I woke up from the screams from the boys. You though screaming teenage girls, right? But no unfortunately it was the guys.

"Were here!" Tez yelled for the others to wake up and get out from the bus. We went out with our bags of course and headed inside the hotel.

We arrived at the lobby and walked towards the desk. There sat a guy maybe mid 20's sitting on the desk chair. "How may I help you?" He asked innocently at us. "Reservation for Espinosa." Matt said to the guy who was looking at his computer. "Ugh... there are 3 rooms here which was reserved by your tour manager." The guy said. "Your tour manager handed me a list on who sleeps with who." The guy added. This time, I knew I was fucked since I am the only lady in the group and...we should sleep in pairs since we are 6 in the group, great! (Note the sarcasm)

The guy handed us a paper and in the paper was our names partnered with another name. "This must be the partners." Alec said as he looked at the paper he was holding. "So in room number 2024 is Me and Tez, room 2025 is Jake and Brandon, and last but not least room 2026 is Matt and Y/n." He said with a smirk tugged on his face. I rolled my eyes and groaned.

Then the guy handed us our room keys for us to get inside obviously.

"Seems like we are staying in the same room." Matt whispered only for me to hear and winked. To be honest, he looks hot actually but he's childish which is not really my type.

We walked towards the elevator as someone pressed the button. We waited for a few seconds until it opened. We walked inside and waited as the elevator lifted us up. As the elevator stopped, the doors opened and we walked out.

We searched for our room numbers until we found it. We walked on opposite directions to the room we are assigned to. As I saw room 2026, I opened it with the use of our room key and guess what, as I enetered in there was only a single queen sized bed. Really? But hey, there is a coach. Guess who is sleeping on the couch...Matt is!

"Umm Matt, there is a slight tinsy bitsy problem." I said to him since he was still at the outside. "Oh no! Does our room smell bad, is it dirty in there...?" He kept rambling on until he gasped. "Is there a dead person in there?" Yep he was totally childish. I giggled at him. "No Matt, umm there is only one bed." I said. "Umm okay...I guess we sleep with each other then." He said without a problem. "Uhh no, there is a couch an-" He cut me off. "No Y/n you can't sleep in the couch." He said. "You did not let ms finish you butthole!" I said laughing. "Okay, you may continue." He said. "Okay so there is a couch here, right?" I said and he nodded. "Well, how about you sleep on the couch and I sleep on the bed." I said. He made a 'dafuq' face before saying something. "Um no, I am sleeping on the bed but I can't let you sleep on the coach." He said. But then I remembered this tour was all about him. "Uhh, I guess I'll just sleep on the couch." I said headed to the couch. "Uh no!" He said. "You are sleeping with me!" He said.

"Okay Y/n remember we don't want to argue with someone." I thought to myself.

"Fine!" I said. Then a small smile was plastered on his face. Such a dork. Then, we just put our things down on the floor and unpacked.


It is already 11:32pm and it is time to finally rest since me and the guys were playing and running around the hotel room basically as we were done unpacking.

I grabbed my pajamas from my bag and went to the bathroom. I undressed myself and then took a short bath and changed into my pajama shorts and a white crop top. I walked out from the bathroom and saw Matt laying on the bed, shirtless wih sweatpants on. 'Damn he is hot' I thought to myself.

I just shook my head and ignore about it. I put my clothes in the hamper and went to the bed and laid down beside Matt. But I was uncomfortable since he was shirtless. "Mind wearing a shirt?" I asked. "I didn't bring enough clothes. He said. Really? That is is excuse? I just groaned and faced the other way of him.

-30 mins later-

Me and Matt were now asleep until I beard a mumble from him since I am a light sleeper. Awhh he is sleep talking (pillow taking OMG). It was cute until I heard something that I am not sure I was supposed to hear it. "Y/n you are so beautiful." He said as he was still sleeping. What is he taking about? Is he dreaming of me? Did he just called me beautiful in his dream?

Yes he did.


Omg this imagine sucked ass and i'm so sorry for not updating its because of school and twitter because twitter is so lit at this moment but I am sk sorry.

I make sure I update maybe 5 imagines in a month. I try.

Love you all so much 😚

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