|| memories

281 14 6

pov: éponine

i rubbed the bright red mark on my arm shyly, feeling the burning sensation pulse through my entire body. wincing, i grabbed a package of band-aids from the shelf and threw it in my basket.

i had to tell someone. i was longing to share the suffocating secret that was imprinted in my brain. i desperately needed to tell a friend who i trust, a friend who i could easily cry with or laugh with, or one who could ease my wounds.

no, i cannot tell enjolras. We're good friends and all- but if i told him, he'd probably be weirded out. and i just met him about a month ago. i won't allow him to fight my battles.

i grabbed a bag of chocolate for gavroche, too. he doesn't get treated the same way i do. thinking fast, i grabbed one for azelma as well.

the woman at the check-out desk must have noticed the anxiety scribbled all over my face, because her blue eyes seemed judgmental and her nose wrinkled as i wrung my hands. she scanned every item without glancing at the item.

once she passed me my plastic bag, i walked right out the store.

i felt a heavy weight lift off of my shoulders. digging through my purchases, i grabbed the band-aids and began to adhere them wherever i felt the burning pain my parents had inflicted upon me.

with a glance upwards, i sensed something. someone's eyes were on me. blue eyes- eyes that everyone is familiar with.

cosette. cosette had been watching me this entire time, a look of confusion mixed with disgust and sympathy washed over her face. and some sort of reminiscence. like she remembered something suddenly.

i remembered. i remember it well.

i remembered when I recognized cosette as my best friend in the entire world. we enjoyed each other's company. but my parents didn't. they didn't respect her past, i guess. she was a half-orphan at the time- her father had passed on, and her mother didn't have the financials to afford cosette. so she was a foster child, up for adoption at any time and my parents don't like poor people or children.

we lived in montfermail at the time and it was a strange point in our lives, now that i think about it. but it was long before this happened.

i loved cosette as a child, i really did, and i really tried to be her best friend. we were best friends, sisters in all but blood, that sort of cliche friendship- but, you know, some guy named jean valjean took her away from us, and i never saw her again.

that is, until a few weeks ago when i caught her calling me a gamine. well, no nineteenth century slur will damage my psyche! i smiled to myself pretty malevolently.

when the memories stopped flooding in, i noticed that the pair of eyes and the person that possessed them had all disappeared. the past five minutes washed away immediately.

with a sigh, i put the key in the ignition and drove away from the store.


once i got home, i ran upstairs without a word.

i grabbed my computer, and enjolras had sent me an e-mail.

here's the script for the play. auditions are tomorrow. good luck. ;)

i love that kid.


I had CVS in my mind this entire time, haha.

Next chapter will be auditions- but since I'm so excited, I think i'm gonna be writing it tonight xD

Sorry that the updates are taking so long, by the way (i got a few messages about that). I had my Nutcracker performances last weekend and it was like 24/7 head in the game. But it was worth it!

And so now I'm back. I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH <3

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