|| lines

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pov: enjolras

not a day goes by that i'm not filled to the brim with inner turmoil. whether it's friendships, school work, my terrible family or out terrible government, there's always something gnawing at me.

for the next few months or so, i would be focused on éponine and this damn musical.

we met up monday evening and looked through the script briefly. you see, this is one of the only instances where having careless-but also-caring parents could be a good thing. you can invite whoever you want over, whenever you want, and as long as you're pretty quiet, they won't mind.

éponine is quiet, and unless i'm feeling like giving one one of my passionate speeches, i'm pretty quiet as well. my parents wouldn't care at all.

it was reasonably clear that éponine was hesitant about coming over. i was hoping it wasn't because i made her uncomfortable. and fortunately, it wasn't. she didn't specify any reasons though. oh, well.

she came back over today (wednesday) with much more enthusiasm. how much can a person change in two days? clearly a bit. she was always changing.

"hey!" she exclaimed, waving her script around, full of excitement.

i smiled at her. i liked seeing this carefree éponine. why does she act so concealed- when she could act like herself? it was beautiful.

"hey," i laughed. "come on in."

she bounced inside like she was a basketball. "i've been working on my stern, caring mission girl expression," she grins. "also, i can't wait to slap you."

"don't sound too excited," i respond sarcastically.

"come on, we all know you're a big softie," she teases.

i roll my eyes. "let's head to my room."

éponine nods, and she trails behind me as we walk down the hall. i open the door to my room, where she takes her seat at my desk and i sit on my bed. the usual.

"what do you want to read through first?" the pushes on the desk to provide the chair with momentum to spin in circles.

"the scene where we meet," i suggest. it's a nice scene, where i get slapped.

she smiles. "i love that one." éponine settles more comfortably into the chair, spinning around once more.

i flip the page, reading my line. "do you take sinners here?"

"indeed we do! didn't i see you a little while ago on broadway?" she narrows her eyes.

"possibly. i've been wandering around, trying to gather up the courage to come here."

she grabs a stack of papers. "here are two of our pamphlets. they will give you a good deal of comfort."

éponine passes me the papers.

"thank you."

we continue to read our lines, and sort of hum our way through the next song.

"i didn't know you were such a good soprano," i smile at her.

"you've got quite the voice yourself, sky," she grins. "well... so now i guess we..."

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