plan B

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 For weeks Rose seemed to be the centre of attraction, people asked her many questions; they wanted to know how she was saved.How she felt when she was kidnapped and all sort of questions. A small party was organized the night she returned to welcome the brave hero; Rose. The story that Rose cooked up gave Ronny enough attention to make girls hot for him but Sera was the one who was disturbed by all this attention. She held on to Ronny as he was a precious candy bar that would be stolen as soon as she turns away her eyes.

The story inside the friend’s circle was different, everyone knew what happened and they believed Les’s intuition and Ronny’s guilt consumed face. He bore the guilt very much on his shoulders that he practically withdrew from the circle. He couldn’t face them not after everything he did. The twins were another story, they no longer seemed to mind Jesse being closer to Rose.

Sam and Henry came back on the appointed date, they were the only teams who saw the task to the end. With Sam being the one who had rescued as many as possible and Henry being the one who brought his team with less number of injuries.  While Sam had taken too many careless decisions, resulting in injuries to his team, Henry was the clever one with many strategies opting for rescuing groups in numbers.

All factors considered Henry won the competition, Sam had his prize too as soon as he came back to academy. He found his soulmate, Kris.

As soon as they came back the twins and the leads wanted to organize a search party and help Jesse but Harry wouldn’t let them go. He assured them that they would return any time by now. The twins were aggravated by Harry’s  reluctance to inform their family about Rose’s disappearance. They sat cursing him second by second and when Jesse sent a word to Harry about finding Rose safely, Harry was punctual at telling them the news.

The victory colors weren’t hoisted until the return of Rose. Saphira, the little girl was classified as a lead and Kris bunked with Helen. They two got together well enough, Helen was glad that she wouldn’t be alone but she missed her previous roomie very much.

Henry threw a party in the leads dorm celebrating his victory when things settled down a bit after a week. The teams, rescued one’s and a few friends of friends bundled up in the large common hall. The usually huge room seemed cramed up with so many people dancing out their way in the hall.  The hall was lit with disco lights, the couches were moved to the corner were couples cuddled up.  Helen danced like mad and Andy looked out of place on the dance floor but he tried hard to impress his princess.

Sam was holding Kris and slowly moving to the beat. Saphira sat  rubbing her eyes, Rose watched her as she held the teddy close to her heart. She was a surprise to this world, she had  not only accessed her gift but also her magic at 6 years of age. When Saphira said she could help telecast, Rose was as surprised as everyone was. They didn’t expect to have a gift at that age or even worse use it. She surprised people even more when she showed the use of magic. She was a wonder child that was what everyone called.

Harry didn’t find any living relatives to trust her upbringing with since she was too young to be in the academy. He trusted Rose to look after the girl, Saphira stayed with her since then and Rose grew fond of the little girl. The twins and Shadow argued with Harry that it was too much of  responsibility for Rose. Shadow even offered to look after the girl himself.

Rose grew fond of the idea having a little sister, Saphira practically made her days brighter with her constant chirpy talk and the soft patter of her feet in her room. She was glad that Saphira forgot her painful past, the only reminiscence of her past was her nightmares to which she woke up screaming. Things started to look up alittle better as days passed.

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