18 - The Perfect Day

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~Sam's Point of View~

I opened my eyes a fraction, just to check the time. 8:30am. I groaned and rolled over... And almost jumped out of the bed.
"You scared me!" I scolded the boy laying on the bed next to me, his arms behind his head in a relaxed position.
"Finally!" Jungkook smiled, and leaped off, and motioned for me to get up too. I sighed, "Why?" I covered myself with the blankets; I didn't want him to see me in the morning, I was a mess!
"I'm taking you out today, hurry up and get ready!"
Those words made me perk up, and I peeked out of the covers in time to see Jungkook flash his signature toothy grin at me before sauntering out of the room. I immediately got out of the bed and headed for the bathroom. Today should be good!

~time skip - Sam's Point of View~

So this is where he wanted to go. I looked around at the place I hadn't been to in so long - the London Eye towered over us; the Big Ben stood tall. People milled around everywhere, as we stood on the bridge looking over the River Thames. It was more crowded at the moment because it was lunchtime, and I instinctively grabbed Jungkook's hand. He raised an eyebrow at me cheekily.
"I just wanted to make sure I didn't lose you..." I muttered embarrassed, dropping his hand. He chuckled and to my surprise took my hand again. I turned away so he wouldn't see my blush.

"So," He started. "Have you been here before?"
I nodded, replying, "Yeah, but it was quite a few years ago..."

We talked for ages, about random things, anything and everything. We took a leisurely stroll with no particular direction, but it was lovely - just walking and talking, as people bustled around us. I felt I really got to know him better that day, not just as Jungkook the youngest member of BTS, but as Jeon Jungkook, no attachments. I think I fell for him even more if that was possible...

~Jungkook's Point of View~

I looked at her as she spoke, using hand gestures and laughing and giggling. Beautiful... And it was time to do what the hyungs suggested.
"Sam? What do you think to the London Eye?"
Her eyes drifted up to the giant wheel; and replied, "I've never been on it, but I want to!"
I grinned and, grabbing her hand, headed towards it.

~time skip - Sam's Point of View~

Finally! After the long wait in the queue, we managed to get on, and Jungkook being himself, secured one pod to ourselves.
The Eye started to turn, and I watched in awe at the people and buildings getting smaller.
"Daebak..." Jungkook mumbled beside me, and I nodded in agreement...

We were right at the top now, and the view was amazing. "Here, Jungkook, let's take a photo!" I grinned, and he came beside me and casually put an arm around my shoulder and we both smiled into the camera, with the view behind us. He let go and I turned back to the window, placing my hands on the glass.

I turned around and gasped. Jungkook stood in the middle, holding... A rose?!
"I have something to tell you... Well..." He scratched the back of his neck out of nervousness.
"I..really like you Sam, ever since you got here I've felt happier when I'm with you. And today's been perfect... And I was wondering, will you be my girlfriend?" His eyes met mine and he blushed and looked down, listening for an answer.
Jeon Jungkook... Just asked me out. What?! I can't believe it!
I was speechless. I didn't say anything; I took a few steps towards him and slipped my arms around his torso, burying my face in his neck, and I felt his own arms wrap around me.
"Can I take that as a yes?" He mumbled into my hair.
I smiled, "Yes..."
He let go and our eyes made contact; I was staring into his beautiful brown eyes. My eyes trailed from his eyes to his cute nose to his luscious lips, and suddenly I felt his soft lips on mine. My eyes closed and my arms moved of their own accord to his neck, and his wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer him. It was perfect...

~Time skip - Sam's Point of View~

Jungkook unlocked the front door and we both walked in, and earned greetings from the others.
"Soo, how was it?" Jin grinned.
Jungkook and I looked at each other, and without realising said in unison, "Perfect."
"Woahh," Jimin and V smirked at each other, and Beth came and hugged me.
"Oh my god, I can't believe we go out with our biases from BTS, like seriously, can you believe that?!" She whispered in my ear.
"Who said Jungkook and I are together?" I pretended, and she pulled away and lifted an eyebrow. "Because it's obvious, I can see it in your eyes!" She smugly stated, and I just laughed.

After we all settled down, we made ourselves comfortable in the living room, and Jungkook started explaining what we did today.
"Romantic," the boys mused when he mentioned the part about the rose on the London Eye; he didn't mention the kiss though - that was just for us. He looked at me and we shared a shy smile. Just then, we turned at the sound of the front door opening as Jimin let Mina and Lu in.

"Hello!" We all greeted them with warm smiles and waves, which they returned.

~Mina's Point of View~

I walked into the room behind Lu, and by default my eyes wandered the room to find Jungkook. What I noticed alarmed me - he had his arm around Sam, and was muttering something in her ear as she laughed and placed a hand on his chest, and he hugged her closer. What?! How dare she... I tried not to let the hurt show on my face, and plastered a fake smile as I watched them out of the corner of my eye. Are they together?

"Hey Lu, you can't do that now, he's a taken man!" Jimin laughed, as Lu was hugging Jungkook who had stood up to greet her. Lu pulled back and gasped, looking from Sam to Jungkook, who were both grinning. Lu squealed and clapped, saying,"So sweet!"
I scowled, so they were together. It's not sweet at all.
I grabbed my phone and sent a quick text:

To: Unknown
From: Mina

Tomorrow. We're going to carry out the plan, be ready

To: Mina
From: Unknown

Alright. You sure you want to do this?

I looked up at the pair on the sofa; Jungkook kissed Sam lightly on the cheek as she blushed, and he chuckled.

To: Unknown
From: Mina


"So, tomorrow, what time are you guys in the studio?" I asked, smiling as much as I could muster.
"Hmm, probably about 10 in the morning? Jungkook, you have your individual recording at 10:15, Jimin yours is at..." Rapmon continued to tell the others when their recording times were, but I stopped listening.
I knew for a fact that when Jungkook finishes shooting or recording, he goes to the dance room to practise moves... Okay, this could work, I smiled to myself. As long the timing is planned right...

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