Chapter 6: Kidnapped

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(Y/N)'s POV

It was a quite casual Saturday afternoon and I was having some tea at the moment (if you don't like tea then just imagine yourself drinking something else).

Although everything seemed normal,I felt different,just as someone was watching me.It wasn't the fox who always stared at me angrily,nor Nanami who smiled at me sweetly.

My eyes wondered from one place to another,as if I was really searching for someone who would hide in the bushes.

I grinned at the thought and took a sip of the steaming liquid.

'Hmh,it's problably just my imagination.' I thought in my head and tried not to think about it.

After a while my thoughts wondered back to those feelings that someone watched me,from the shrine entrance precicely.

I stood up and started to step towards the direction I thought I felt someone's stare,just to confirm that it really was my mind that was playing tricks.

I looked through the few bushes that grew near the shrine's entrance.

"Tch,(Y/N) you fool,would you really think tha-" I was cut off while turning,in order to head back.

My way was blocked by a rather tall figure,but he was shorter than the fox.

I looked up only to freeze in shock.

'The same icy blue eyes...'

Then,darkness took over my mind...

Nanami's POV

I headed outside to get (Y/N),I wanted her to teach me how to make the flowers bloom,she should be an expert on this.

As I opened the door and threw my eyes at the place I recently saw her sitting,I only found a empty teacup.Where did she go?She isn't inside either.

I looked around the yard,calling for her,but there was no sign of her.Wait!I saw something blueish shining near the shrine entrance.

I recocnized the item as (Y/N)'s hairpin.Did someone kidnap her?!

I rushed inside to find Tomoe.

"Tomoe!I think (Y/N) is kidnapped!" I half-yelled while rushing into the kitchen.

"Are you sure she didn't just go to her shrine or something?" he asked,rather emotionlessly really,I knew he disliked (Y/N).

I shook my head."She would've told me,and I found her hairpin on the ground!" I spoke,showing him the hairpin as an evidence.

He stared at it for a moment blankly.

"Fine,I'll find that idiot,but if it turns out that she wasn't even in danger,I'm going to kick both of your asses,got it?" he asked coldly and got a nod for a reply.After that,he was gone.

'I hope that (Y/N)'s alright...'

(Y/N)'s POV

I started to slowly feel my limbs again,but I didn't dare to move them,nor open my eyes.I felt that my hands and legs were tied toghether,with a rope problably.

I tried to carefully listen if I could hear someone actually being near me,but I didn't hear a sound.

I opened my eyes slowly,finding myself in a shadowy room,I guardedly looked around myself.I sat on a chair and as I said before,my arms and legs were tied.

It was obvious,I had been kidnapped,by someone who wasn't a human.Come to think of it,he had a strange energy,just as I have felt it before.

Those cold icy eyes flashed in my mind again and I squeezed my eyes tightly toghether,in order to make the image dissapear.

"You're finally awake." a cold,revolting voice spoke.

My eyes shot open only to find myself gazing into those well-known eyes.

He tilted his head with a pout."How offensive,you don't even recocnize me,seems like the 13 old men did a good job after all,with wiping your memories that is." he said,almost as if he was annoyed.

Words were stuck in my throat,I sat there,staring at him with wide,questioning eyes while he grinned victoriously.

"Who are you?" I quietly asked,my voice weaker and out of its normal tone.

"Who am I?" he raised his eyebrows and brought his fingers to my chin,grabbing it slightly."Why wouldn't you try to remember,hm?" he spoke in a honey voice.

Before I could answer anyting at all,he walked behind me,placed his hands on my shoulders and pressed his lips gently on my head,then leaning next to my ear.

"I will...visit the demon world for a few hours..." he quietly whispered.

My eyes widened and tears prickled in the corners of my eyes.

"Haru." I whispered,holding back the tears that wanted to stream down my cheeks.

"See,you can remember,good girl." he happily stated and took his hands off of my shoulders,patting my head as a sign of praising.

I stared in front of myself,I couldn't belive it.He was the man who left me,I thought he was the one I could trust and rely on.But he dissapeared,it was that simple.

"What do you want?" I asked,my voice quiet and blunt,the tears still sparkled in the cornes of my eyes,threatening to fall every second.

He squatted down in front of me and brushed away the tears."I came after what I wanted the moment I saw your pretty little face." he pulled back his hand and stood up. "I want your life elixir." he grinned.

"You never cared about me,did you?" my voice broke and fresh tears appeared again.

"Not even a bit!" he stated cheerfully.

I bit my tongue,my vision getting blurry with the tears that had piled up,a sharp pain shot through my heart.


"Shall we begin?" he asked,almost excitedly.

I squeezed my eyes toghether,tears springing down my cheeks.

Pain shot through my body.

A lot of pain.

Darkness pulled me into its cold embrace.

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