Chapter 28: I was...jealous

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I have to go to school tomorrow!!Noooo!!!

*Cries in the corner*

Okay,okay,so,here's today's chapter.

Also sorry for not updating,GOMENASAI!!!!!


(Y/N)'s POV

It was Friday,the weather was nice,although a bit chilly.Nanami and me were heading towards the karaoke place (I literally don't know how to call that,but basically they're having a mixer,like in the anime.)

I wasn't excited about going there at all,but Nanami insisted,after hours of begging me,I finally gave up and agreed.Nanami had convinced Tomoe as well,after saying that she won't let me out of sight Tomoe had agreed.

Once we arrived,Ami and Kei welcomed us,I took off my coat and sat down.Ami and Nanami started talking immidently,Kei was on her phone as always,I tried to be as unnoticeableas possible,mostly because of the boys.I truly wasn't interested in any of them,in any guy to be honest.

I poured myself some juice,no one had approached yet,thank god.

But unfortunately,just as I had said these thoughts in my head,a boy about my age sat down next to me,a grin on his lips.He had light brown hair and his eyes were dark brown.

"Why hello." the words rolled off the boy's tongue.Shivers of disgust went up my spine and I tried not to show out my expression of 'I-really-don't-want-to-have-a-conversation-with-you-thank-you-very-much.'.

"Hi." I managed to blurt out with an average tone,I tried to concertate on the expression of my face and not to let it become a frown.

"You look quite beautiful." he said with honey voice.

Does he really expect me to fall into his arms after that,how lame.

"Do excuse me,I need to go to the toilet." I said,my voice slipping into it's real tone which was irritated and bland.

I stood up and started to walk towards the door,my cup of juice still in my hands.As I opened th door to get out of this place,I heard Nanami's voice.

"(Y/N),where are you going?" she rushed to me,having a bit of a concerned look.

"Just to the bathroom,I'll be back shortly." I tried to be covincing enough,wishing that she would turn her back and let me leave this room.

"Oh,I see." she put on a warm smile and turned on her heels to return to her friends.

I exited the room with a sigh and started to look for the way to the roof,maybe I could get some peace there,Nanami will soon forget about me and I can go home with her later.

The night air was chilly and crisp,making me shiver immidently.I took a big breath of the fresh air and walked to the edge,looking down.

"Because...I love you (Y/N)."

My eyes widened as the words of Haru rang in my head.

I then quiqkly shook my head in order to get rid of those thoughts.

I sighed again.

But what if I would remember?Would I feel the same way?D-did him?

I shook my head again,but the thoughts didn't dissapear from my mind.I wanted to forget about him.

"Here you are." The words of the tengu popstar were heard from behind.

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