Chapter 29: Do her?

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Tomoe's POV

I watched (Y/N) work in the garden from a nearby tree.After that...'event'...I haven't shown my face to her,I woke up earlier and did my chores,so that I wouldn't have to face her...I...just couldn't bring myself to do that.

I sighed deeply before raising my eyes and locking them on her.

In my eyes,she is the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen,she's like an angel with her bright (E/C) eyes and her silky (H/C) hair,her features so graceful and her whole being so charming.

I tried to shake these feelings and thoughts away.I had never felt like this before,how could she affect me so much?Why is 'she' the only thing on my mind lately?Do I-?


My thoughts were cut off by Nanami's yell,I again glanced at them.

What is it about her that interests me so much?

(Y/N)'s POV

My  thoughts still revolved around...the 'event'.

The image of Tomoe leaning closer to my face kept playing in my head,his eyes,full of desire,I couldn't forget them,it was all stuck in my head.

As I thought more and more about that topic,I started growing more and more irritated,not even realizing that myself,I started to pluck the weeds with more strenght and anger,squeezing my teeth tightly toghether,hissing through my teeth.

"(Y/N)-chan!!!" Nanami cut through my thoughts,making me raise my eyes with a questioning manner,the anger slowly spreading away.


Tomoe's POV

With a basket-full of laundary in my arms I walked past (Y/N)'s room.The door was partly open and I heard the voices of Nanami and (Y/N).

I stopped,just because I was curious.

"What are you looking for (Y/N)?" I heard Nanami ask.

It seemed that (Y/N) was going through some papers.

"I'm looking for a recipe of my favourite cake,my mother used to always bake it,I know that I'm a terrible cook,and the fruits you need are very rare,I might not even find them,but I still want to try." (Y/N) said,her voice was different as she spoke of her mother.

"Why don't you ask Tomoe to do it?" Nanami asked.

"I have already caused too much trouble for him,I'm imagining his reaction,he would frown and scrunch his nose in annoyance,I don't want to bother him any more." she said,her voice confident.

I tightened my grip around the basket.Does she really think like that?Does she really think she has bothered me this whole time?


(Y/N)'s POV

A few days had passed and I started to slowly forget about what happened.

It was a nice evening and Tomoe had prepared the dinner as always.I was pacing off and didn't really pay attention to Nanami or Tomoe,I let their words slip past.

Tomoe suddenly placed a piece of cake in front of me,I gave it a quiqk glance before grabbing the fork.I didn't notice Tomoe glancing at me carefully.

With a dull expression,I placed a fork-full in my mouth.

My eyes widened and I sat up straight,completely frozen.

Memories flashed in my head,I always watched how my mother baked,and how wonderful it tasted.

I looked at the piece of cake before me.

I-it tasted exactly the same...But how did Tomoe know?These fruits that the cake contained were almost impossible to find,he couldn't just randomly bake this,he must've known.

I didn't let these questions bother me any longer and took another mouthful,and then another.

It was so good,I hadn't eaten it for ages.

"So you do like the food I make?" Tomoe suddenly asked with a mocking tone.

I stiffened,swallowed the cake and placed the fork down,giving him a cold glance.

"I'm finished." I said with ease,in reality,it wasn't easy,I could've literally eaten the whole cake,that's how much I loved the taste,he just had to ruin it.

I marched out of the kitchen into my room and collapsed on the bed immidently,letting out a deep sigh.

"Stupid fox." I muttered.


I kept shifting sides in my bed,I wanted to eat more of that cake.

It was past midnight,there were problably some leftovers,maybe if I wo-

I cut off my own thoughts by bolting out of the bed,straight into the kitchen,I tried to be quiet enough,so that nobody would wake up.

Thankfully,there was some cake left,I grabbed it immidently and started shoving it in my mouth.

It was delicious.


I froze,my eyes wide.

I slowly turned around,my cheeks filled with the delicious cake.

Tomoe's face was priceless,it was a mixture of confusion,irritation and most of all sleepiness.

"Uh-uhm,hi." I said after swallowing.

"What are you doing up so late?" he asked with a sleepy voice while walking closer to me.


"And look at your face,why is it covered with cream and chocolate?" a note of irritation sneaked in.

I frowned while putting some more cake in my mouth.

Tomoe's POV

I grabbed a damp towel (No idea where,magic bruh) and was about to take hold of (Y/N)'s chin.But as my fingers touched her soft skin I almost froze.I couldn't even touch her without my heartbeat fastening.

I pushed the feeling down and grabbed her chin,a bit too roughly,she didn't seem to notice though.I on the other hand bit my tongue.This was the second time I hurted her,damn me.

"Are you...still mad at me?" I carefully asked,avoiding her gaze which was locked on me.

"N-no." she quietly muttered and her cheeks flushed the shade of light pink.

I felt relived,at least she wasn't angry anymore,that was good.

As I was finished with cleaning her face I gently carressed her cheek.

"You should go to bed,it's late." I said quietly,I felt my eyes clouding again.

"Y-yeah." she stuttered quietly,placing her hand on mine,looking at me,a pink tone spread across her cheeks.

"Good night." she quiqkly blurted out and brushed my hand away,rushing past me.

I smiled to myself,it was worth it,seeing that look on her face,it was better then I had imagined,I would go to hell and back for her.

I suddenly widened my eyes,shocked of my own thoughts.

'Do her?'



I'm terribly sorry for not updating for like...uhm,I don't know how long.

BUT!if you're still reading this,then please help me.

I'm looking for some animes to watch,I already have Code Geass and Durara on my list,if you know any good animes,leave it in the comments.

Thank you!

Bye my little flowers!

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