Chapter 25:New Year's Special!

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(Y/N)'s POV

It was the 31 of December,the new year started tomorrow.

I was getting ready for the festival,putting on the kimono and doing my hair,all that stuff.I was wearing a (F/C) kimono with flowers on it,I also tied my hair up with a hairpin.

"(Y/N)!Are you ready?" Nanami half-yelled while coming in my room.

"Yeah." I simply replied while still fixng my hair.

"Wow!(Y/N),you look so pretty!" Nanami said in awe,I smiled shyly as I turned and stood up."Thanks,you don't look bad yourself." I said as I glanced at her figure,she too wore a kimono.

-Timeskip to the Festival-

We soon arrived at the festival,I must say it was pretty crowded.My eyes lit up as I saw all the sweets they were selling,Nanami must've seen the excitement on my face as she let out a giggle.

We started to wander down the streets,I stopped at all the possible counters that sold sweets,Nanami accompanied me of course,although she didn't buy as near as much sweets as I did,for Tomoe,he was quite irritated by the fact he had to 'babysit' us again,but yet he didn't say a word and walked behind us patientiely.

As I had bought myself cotton candy from one of the counters,I turned around,and as I was overly excited,I bumped into the person behind me.I thankfully didn't fall,but I did close my eyes,I quiqkly opened them again,so that I could glance at the person an apologize.

"Oh,I'm so so-!" I stopped as I saw Kurama in front of myself."Kurama?What are you doing here?" I asked curiously.

"The same reason as you." he said while grinning.

"Hi Kurama!"Nanami butted in,smiling happily.

Kurama ended up coming with us,which,let's say,didn't make Tomoe very happy,I decided to ignore his burning glare.

"So (Y/N)-chan,who's your new year's kiss?Are you going to meet up with someone?Is it someone from our class?" she shot several questions at me at once.

Was it just me or did I almost felt Tomoe stiffening and sharpening his ears?

"Oh,no.I'm not planning to kiss anyone." I smiled a bit uncomfortably.

"Really!?Well that's a pity." she said,even a small note of dissapointment ringing in her voice,I didn't mind,I wasn't going to kiss anyone just because she wanted it,no way in hell.

So we basically strolled down the streets until it was almost midnight.

In ten minutes the new year would start,also the fireworks would appear in the dark blue sky.Me and Nanami wanted to see the fireworks,so we found a good place and sat on the bench.

Only five more minutes,that didn't stop me from throwing a small candy in my mouth.

Suddenly Kurama appeared before me.

"(Y/N),can I talk with you in private for a moment?" he asked kindly,even smiling slightly.

"Well sure,but there's not much time left and I want to see the fireworks,just make it quiqk." I said and stood up.

"Sure." he smirked and turned,I started to follow him.

Nanami's POV

I watched how (Y/N) walked off with Kurama,I couldn't help but grin,god knows what plans Kurama had.

I found one thing strange though,as (Y/N) had dissapeared with Kurama,Tomoe started to act...weird.He looked like he was in a rush to go somewhere,his expression wasn't the best either.

I wonder what's going on with him.

(Y/N)'s POV

Kurama didn't take me far,it was basically right where we just had sat,only it was more in the park-area,there were trees and bushes and all those things,but you could also see the sky perfectly.

"So,Kurama,what did you wa-?" I was cut off by him,placing a hand on my cheek and looking into my eyes with a soft expression.

"I heard that you didn't have  new year's kiss,huh?" he asked with his honey voice while leaning closer.

"U-um,yeah that's true b-but-" I started to stutter as he slowly came closer.

"What if I would change tha-?" he didn't get to finish his sentance as someone punched him,making him fall on the hard ground.

My eyes widened slightly as I saw the figure of Tomoe standing in front of me.

"T-Tomoe?" I asked,still a bit surprised.

And a second after that,my chin was grabbed by Tomoe who,quite possessively,slammed his lips on mine.And at that exact moment,the fireworks shot in the air and I heard people yelling 'Happy new year!'

I on the other hand,had other problems.

I felt my whole face heat up and I'm not going to talk about my eyes which went as big as saucers.I stood there,completely frozen,I didn't even have the strenght to push him away,I was too shocked by his sudden action.

I felt him place his hand on the back of my neck to deepen the kiss.

He then pulled away,but he was still only inches away from my face,the light of the fireworks fell on his pale face,I blinked in shock.


He also seemed to now notice what he had done as I saw a slight blush creep on his cheeks.

I brought my hand across his cheek,leaving a red print on it."Stupid fox!" I yelled,still looking like a tomato,I turned on my heels furiously and started to march towards the bench Nanami was sitting on.

"Seriously,what the heck does he think he's doing.Idiotic fox." I muttered under my breath.

"Oh!(Y/N),here you are!" Nanami said as she saw me approaching,I grabbed her wrist and started to drag her away."We're going home!" I almost yelled,I was still mad at Tomoe.

"Huh!?Why!?I don't want to leave yet!(Y/N)!" I ignored Nanami's attempts of freeing herself and kept confidently marching towards the shrine,I just needed to get away right now.

Tomoe's POV

I wanted to punch myself in the face.

"You fu**ing idiot!" I half-yelled to myself as I held my head between my hands.

The image of her didn't leave my head,the taste of candy didn't seem to be forgotten either.

I have no idea what got into me,suddenly,I see Kurama leaning towards (Y/N) and I feel the urge to push him away,but why did the urge to kiss her come along with it?

I coudn't forget her soft lips and the cute shocked expression on her fa-.Stop for god's sake!What's wrong with me?

I haven' recently gotten her out of my head,I almost only think of her.But that's normal,right?I'm her familiar,I need to be sure that she's okay...Who am I kidding.

'Do I...have feelings for her?'



Sooo...I know,I know,I didn't update as I promised,pls don't kill me!I admit it,I was lazy and I also started a new book (Sebastian Michaelis x Reader,check it out if you'd like) so my head was full of ideas for my new book,I couldn't also decide which one I should update,but since this after all is the story I want to mainly focus on,I wanted to update this book first.

As I said,please do not kill me,I'm just a bit lazy sometimes I'm sorry,really.

Anyway,I hope this year will go great for all of you!

Love you!

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