Chapter 9: Cooking...

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Sooo I'm gonna warn you that this is going to be kinda short bc yeah,it's Tuesday and I have scool tomorrow...ugh...but I still wanted to update sooo yah XD,hope you'll like it anyway.BTW I'm really sorry if you're like a really good cook XD SPOILERS!


(Y/N)'s POV

I stood behind a table,a knife in my right hand and a cutting board in front of me,a sweatdrop was seen on my cheek.


"Hmph,I'm more than certain that I can cook better!" I said mockingly,facing the fox while we were having lunch.

"Are you even able to cut mushrooms?" He annoyedly asked,raising his eyebrows teasigly.

"Of course!" I protested with a higher tone.

"Why don't you prepare tonight's dinner then?We'll see how good your cooking skills are." he grinned while looking at me.

"Fine!" I yelled and sat down,swallowing rather hardly.I had no idea how to cook,being a goddess,you don't really need human food to survive,it did taste nice though.

*End of Flashback*

So I stood there,glaring at the dead fish uneasily,there was no going back now.

I gently poked the fish with the huge knife and then dropped it,squatting down,my back against the table,frowning.

"Arghh (Y/N) how can you be such a fool!" I quietly whined to myself as I tugged my hair.

Then,taking a deep breath,I stood up again."Okay (Y/N),just belive in yourself." I comforted myself while grabbing the knife.

The glaring competition between me and the fish began again,me burning holes into it with my eyes.

"Maybye I can just start with the vegetables." I said to myself and grabbed a cabbage,then trying to slice it,which actually worked...sort of.

"(Y/N),that's not how you do it." I heard my familiar's annoyed voice say after sighing.

I winced,mainly because he had scared me a bit,appearing out of nowhere.

I closed my eyes meaningfully and raised my eyebrows,ready to protest and send him to hell and back,but he interrupted me.

"Now look carefully." He stood behind me and placed new vegetables in front of me,he then placed his hands on mine and pressed his body against mine,looking over my shoulder.

I widened my eyes a bit and even the slightest amount of pink tone was seen on my cheeks for a moment.

He then started to slowly teach me and show how I'm supposed to do different things.I soon forgot that his body was pressed against mine and I listened eagerly what the fox teached me.

"Done." he shortly said and lifted his hands off of mine,backing off.I no longer felt the warmness of his body,which somehow even made me a bit sad,the last time I felt someone's body warmth was ages ago.

I looked over my shoulder,at the white-haired yokai who was staring at me,maybye with a little less annoyance as he usually did,but yet that might just have been my imagination.

"And what do you say now?" he crossed his arms and raised a brow,shooting an almost impatient stare at me.

"Thank you-" I muttered while turning my head back and looking at the cutting board in front of me."-Tomoe." I said,my voice even quieter than before.

"That's a good girl,now bring the dishes into the living room,I'll call Nanami." he praised me as I was a dog and before I could protest again,he was out of my sight.

I started to serve the dishes on the plates,not noticing the pout nor the pink tint on my cheeks.


As I said,pretty short,but hope ya enjoyed it anyways.


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