Chapter 23: Indeed,I'm Just Out For a Walk

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Why hello fellow citizens!

Yes I know that I haven't posted in like 3/4 days BUUUT IT WAS CHRISTMAAAS!!!I hope you understand that I was spending time with my family and was unable to update.Well,I wanted to update yesterday evening...but my bff called me and we talked til 3 in night so you can imagine how well updating went (Didn't even think of a title really).I was just like drawing and well you know youtube and all that stuff...


Again,I have found myself writing in the middle of the night,well it's past midnight right now so you can imagine the time I will be done...THE POINT IS THAT I'M SORRY FOR ANY SPELLING MISTAKES OR IF LIKE THE CHAPTER COMES OUT S**T OR SOMETHING I DON'T KNOW!!!

Wow seriously enough about my life I should start writing.

And for the song,you can listen to it if you'd like,I will be listening it while I'm writing,I dunno if it will match the chapter but oh well.


(Y/N)'s POV

I'm finally well again,the illness wasn't really that bad and I'm fine now.

It was a lovely day outside,I decided to go on a walk,just to breathe fresh air.

Since it was quite early in the morning,I decided that it would be smart to leave a note,just in case they wake before I return.

So I wrote a simple letter,saying that I just went out for a walk and I will return soon.I put the pen down and did the same with that small letter,I placed it on the table and started to head towards the corridor to dress myself.

-Le small timeskip brought to you by worried Tomoe-

I walked down a small forest path while hiding my nose into my scarf,it was quite cold. "Thankfully,'I have dressed myself properly.'" I mocked Tomoe's voice,grinning.

I headed towards a ceratain sakura tree.I knew the blossoms weren't blooming or anything,I just wanted to go there,so I crossed my arms as I felt myself getting more cold and confidently stepped forward.

It didn't take long for me to get there,as I had walked up that small hill,I placed my hand on the strain,without even noticing myself,I made the blossoms bloom,gorgeous pink petals fell down from the tree,swirling in the air.

"You can still do it,you're still able to make the blossoms bloom..." I heard a familiar voice from behind myself.

I winced slightly,I knew that voice,I knew it too damn well.

I narrowed my eyebrows and turned rather angrily.

"What do you want Haru?" I almost spat as I locked my eyes into icy blue ones,I somehow loved and hated these eyes at the same time.

"I'm just out for a walk,and so are you,am I right?Without that fox of yours I see." his voice turned rather irritated as he said the last phrase.

"Indeed,I am just out for a walk,the question is why are you here,I am more than ceratain that there are plenty of other places you can walk." my voice grew sharper and angrier as I spoke.

"You're not in a good mood I see." he said,playfully,while he slowly made his way towards me.

He was the last person I wanted to see,I wanted him out of my sight,now.

"Yes,you are right,I'm not in a good mood,now if you do excuse me,I have places to be!" the words rolled off my tongue with ease as I started to rush past him.

My arms was grabbed,roughly."To your pathetic fox?" I knew he raised a brow,even if I wasn't facing him.

"In fact yes,to my fox!" I snapped.Wait,why the hell did I say that!?

Haru's grip around my arm tightened as he heard my words,did he have something against Tomoe?

"Looks like my good mood was just ruined and you can guess who I'm blaming." I heard him grin.

I finally turned my head to face him,was that jealousy burning in his eyes?

I wasn't given more time to think as he turned me,so that my back was facing him and with a swift move he pulled me against himself,covering my eyes with his hand.

"You're going to regret involving yourself with him." he whispered in my ear slyly,making me widen my eyes.

Then it went pitch black and I found myself in nothing but darkness,lying on the cold ground,nothing but the colour black surrounding me,it was as my soul had left my body,I wonder what he's doing,maybe bringing the yokai side out...That wouldn't end well.

Fear filled my body,I wrapped my arms around my knees.What if I will kill everyone,what happens then?What if I wake up and nothing but dead bodies will surround me?!

I rested my forehead on my knees,trying to hold back tears.

"Tomoe...please save me..." I quietly whispered.


So basically that was today's chapter.

Let me know what you think,I love reading your comments and such!

Anyway,bye for now my little elves! (nevermind that xmas is over)

Love you!

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