A letter that change my life...

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Umm... how should i say that...
You have a daughter Zayn.
She is so beautiful and amazing. She has your eyes and your black hair. She really looks like you.

I'm so sorry that i haven't tell you about her. But i thaught at the moment, you don't have time for a Baby in your life.
Please don't hate me now because of this. I just wanted (always want) the best for you. Please I begging you, forgive me.

But now the time has come that i have to write you this letter. Like I alreaddy wrote; I'm dying and when i'm dead Zohra don't have someone who takes care of her and she don't have a family here. Just me. But soon i'll don't be here anymore and so i want to ask you:

Zayn you are her father. Would you take care of Zohra when i'm dead? Would you take care of her untill the time she's grown up?
I want that she grows up with a family. And i think you and the boys and their girlfriends, are the best family she could ever have.

Zayn...i cannot do more than write you this.
I pray for you and Zohra so many times and i hope you accept her. She is your daughter Zayn! Please always remember this!

If you've decided to take her with you, you'll find her on this adress: 

Old Compton Street 8

Everything what she need is next to her...
I don't know if there is enough time that you can see me bevor i die.
If you still want to see me.
But i can understand if you don't want to.

You'll find me on the same adress like Zohra. 

Zayn, i really hope you are alright and have a great life.
Please never giv up, and don't let haters bring you down.
Remember everytime that there are peoples who love you!

With truly and deeply LOVE

your June Xx

When irish eyes are smiling  || n.h.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt