Chapter 1 Into the Unknown

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(your pov)
The cold dry ground crunches under the weight of your shoe, soothing your tense state. You look over at the boy to the left of you, hopping along happily with that teapot on his head. You smile softly at how innocent little Greg was.. How.. Ignorant..He was busy listing off names he thought would be bad for the frog in his right arm. I really thought the frog was cool, despite it being abnormally large for a frog. "...But I think the absolute worst name for this frog would be-" Greg was about to finish when, "Wait." Wirt's hand reached over to Greg stopping both of us from walking. "G-Guys.." He stuttered, "Wh- Where are we?" He asks. "We're in the woods!" Greg replies cheerfully. "Yes, yes we know Greg." You reach over and pat the teapot on his head gently. You had always acted like more of a sibling to Greg than Wirt had. But Greg looked up to Wirt greatly, you didn't blame him really. You weren't his big brother. "Guys! I th-think we're lost! W-We should look for help..!" Wirt says worriedly. "Calm down Wirt, we can go look for help as long as you don't wet yourself or something.." You tell him. You were a bit peeved at him at the moment and he knew it, he felt bad but knowing you decided to just let you cool down. You shivered a bit violently from the lack of movement and the cold breeze that just flew by. You weren't in the warmest of costumes unlike Wirt, you were dressed as a living Emily from Corpse Bride, with (h/c) hair of course because you were NOT dyeing your hair for Halloween. The dress you had on wasn't tested or tattered but it still didn't cover much. You regret not taking a jacket with you. The veil on your head had long fell off while you were climbing the Garden wall which you were also angry about. It took you about an hour to make and now it was gone. Wirt sighs, "Though I am lost, my wounded heart resides back home. Strewn about the graveyard of my lost love. For only-" He stopped noticing a noise and your unamused face and turned to where he heard it. "Do you hear that?" He asks as he walks over. Me and Greg follow hiding behind him. Peering through the trees to see an old woodsman chopping down strange looking trees. "Do you think we should ask for help?" Greg whispers. "No! We should not ask for help!" Wirt whisper-yells back. We return to watching the woodsman just as he leaves. "Darn.. Do you think we should have asked for help?" Wirt asks. Annoyed with him you flick his nose and stand up. Only to hear another voice. "Maybe I can help." You look to see the voice came from a lovely little bluebird. Greg looked amazed while Wirt looked absolutely terrified. "What is going on?!" Wirt asks, slapping himself. "Well you're slapping yourself and I'm answering your questions." Greg replies, earning a chuckle from you. Greg was a little cutie in your opinion. "Greg! A birds brain isn't big enough to handle cognizant speech!" Wirt tells him. "What was that?" The bird asks, offended. You flick Wirt on the nose again this time earning a pained whine from him. "He's a weirdo, and he's calling you a weirdo. I personally don't think anyone is weirder than this guy." You poke him in the side. "Why are you hurting me?!" He asks. Meanwhile Greg is placing a nice little pink bow on the back of a black turtle. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" You hear someone yell as you three spin around. "EXPLAIN YOURSELVES!" The Woodsman yells. "I'll see you guys later. Goodbye." The bird says as it leaves. "W-We don't want any trouble!" Wirt exclaims. "W-we're just three lost kids, trying to get home!" You nod, hoping this guy wouldn't kill you three. "Come with me children." He takes us to an old mill explaining on the way about some 'Beast' thing. We sit inside near the fire, Wirt lost in his own thoughts while you're watching Greg. Now that you had time to cool off and had the life scared out of you, you felt bad for Wirt who had just been embarrassed in front of how many people today. You looked over at him, he had a sad look on his face. "Wirt..?" You said softly hoping it would be enough to get his attention. "Wh- Oh!- Eh... Uh- Y-Yes? (Y/n)?" He manages to get out as he looks at you. "Are.. Are you alright?" You ask him even though you already knew the answer. "Y-Yes I'm fine.." He replies and looks back into the fire. You put your right hand on his cheek and pull his gaze back towards you, giving him a serious look. "Wirt.." His face had gotten hot, it almost burned your hand and his face was turning red, yours was dusted with a bit of pink itself but you weren't the type of person to give up easily. "Tell me the truth." You tell him. He grabs your hand and puts it back in your lap turning back to the fire. "You're no better than me you know.."
You said. He stays silent but you could see him tensing up. "You're just as stubborn as me." You stand up and look at him. He looks over at you for a second then turns back to the fire. Angrily you walk away to go see where Greg went. Just wanting to get away from Wirt.

So that was Chapter 1! This is obviously my first story cause it was poop, but if you like it that's cool, cause whether people like it or not I'm still going to make lots and lots of chapters. Leave me suggestions and stuff for maybe other stories I can write, I run out of ideas quick. If you are wondering when I will be putting out chapters I may put out 1-2 chapters a day unless something happens. But yeah! I'll stop blabbing, just PLEASE if you like this story so far leave me ideas of other stories you may want to see. CAUSE I HAS NO IDEA!! Aight Peace.

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