Chapter 6 Everything will turn out fine

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We walked through the forest until we came to a small clearing with Ms. Langtree's father sitting in the middle. He was actually quite frail and thin, "Oh who would have thought that making a private school for animals was a bad idea, my life savings, my home, everything I owned went into that dear dear school. And now I'm forced to sell these instruments just to keep it open.. All the while that lousy Jimmy Brown is off lousing elsewhere, not to mention that wild Gorilla on the loose! Oh if something would go right for a change.." He then drifted off to sleep. "Ok I think he's asleep, let's go steal his stuff!" Greg exclaims. "What?!" Wirt, Beatrice, and you reply. You then proceeded to take the instruments, forming a plan to do a fundraiser for the school. You watched as the animals played their instruments so nicely and so well, and people giving tons of money to Greg in his teapot and in a huge container already filled with money. "What's this?" We see Ms. Langtree's father say. "It's a benefit concert. To raise money for the school." Wirt explains to him, "Oh isn't it grand? People giving out of the goodness of their hearts? Oh not like my Jimmy Brown." Ms. Langtree says. "Oh boy.. Here we go again.." Beatrice mutters. "All he ever did was-" "Gorilla!" Someone yells and sure enough it was the gorilla again. "Boy do something!" Ms. Langtree's father yells. "U-Uh Ok!" Wirt yells as he runs towards the gorilla, stepping on his shoelace and falling on it, knocking it's... Head off?! It revealed a blonde man with a mustache. "Whew! Finally!" He exclaims. "Jimmy?" Ms. Langtree says. "That's right darling.. I was the Gorilla." Jimmy says "B-But why did you do it?" Ms. Langtree asks. "I got a job at the circus so's I could buy you that wedding ring, but when I got stuck in the dang suit everyone was too darn afraid of me to help." He explains "Oh Jimmy!" Ms. Langtree reaches out and hugs him, "Oh darling." You smiled and cooed Awwww with the rest of the crowd. "I guess the world really is as sweet as Potatoes and Molasses." Ms. Langtree's father says while wiping away a tear. "Ohhh! Potatoes and Molasses! If you want some oh just as us..." Greg began to sing his song again. You smile up at him and walked over to Wirt seeing him smiling too. You gently lay your head on his shoulder the red in your face becoming more apparent. "D-Do you think we should tell Greg it's time to go?" You lift your head off of his shoulder. "No.. Let him have his fun." You say to him. "Hey Wirt." "Hm?" "Tie your shoe." "Oh.. Okay." and he reaches down to tie his shoes. A couple hours later you were walking through the forest talking to Beatrice, simply following where Wirt and Greg were going. "So.. Is it cool being a bluebird..?" You ask. "No, it kinda sucks." Beatrice replies, "Were you born a bluebird? Or did you become one?" You ask her. "I once threw a rock at a Bluebird, then me and my whole family got turned into Bluebirds..but enough about that, tell me something about yourself." Beatrice replies. "Well.. Uh.. Since you told me a really big secret I guess I tell you mine but you have to keep your mouth shut about it. Ok?" You tell her. "Yeah alright." She says and flies close to you. "I like Wirt.." You whisper to her. "What?! That's not a secret of course you like him, he's your friend!" She yells, "N-No! I mean.. Ugh.. I.. I love him.." You whisper, red staining your cheeks as you tried to calm down your rapidly beating heart. "Really? How could you even like that Jerk at all?" She asks you. "Well like I said before, he's actually really sweet when you get to know him, he's adorable, he plays clarinet, he can be really funny.. There was this one time, I had a really bad day at school, I had locked myself in my room, I wouldn't even let my little sister in. Wirt came over and he brought me some (f/c) he talked to me about the day and just made me feel so much better. I'm glad I have him as a friend.." You explain. "Wow.. I-" "Guys look! A carriage!" Wirt yells, a carriage was about to speed by, we all ran to it and jumped in the hay pile in the back, miraculously the middle became hollow, we sat there, listening to the driver yell on and on, "THE BEAST IS UPON ME, THE BEAST IS UPON ME!" He would yell. Greg peeked his head out. "Any beast out there Greg?" Wirt asks, "I found a duck! Wirt, do you know how to get eggs from a duck? I'm hungry!" Greg tells him holding his stomach hungrily. "Yes but did you see a beast?" You asked him. "Nah, that driver's nuts! Mm.. Nuts.." Greg mutters while rubbing his stomach. You look over at Wirt and chuckle, his hair had taken the shape of his pointed hat. God knows how. "Phew.. Well that's good." He says. "Are you kidding me?! Good?! That crazy driver is taking us way off course!" Beatrice yells at him. "Really?" Wirt asks. "Yeah, who knows where we are with that guy acting all bananas." Beatrice tells him "Mm.. Banana nut duck bread.." Greg mumbles while rubbing his stomach. Greg was actually right, we had gone days without eating or drinking anything. Other than a spoonful of those bland potatoes. Lightning flashed making you jump a little as you then feel tossed, the hay had fallen from the carriage or whatever the hell you guys were riding on. You get up and pull the hay from your dress and hair. "Hoowa!" Greg yells. "Well finally some good luck, let's go to this creepy tavern and ask for some directions." Beatrice says. "But-...I-it's creepy." Wirt retorts. "Why don't you guys go ask for directions and I'll just wait out- No wait I-I don't want to be out here by myself.. H-how about you-" "Just go to the tavern!" Beatrice yells at him. "O-okay!" He yells as Beatrice pushed us towards the tavern. "But you ask for directions." Wirt tells her. "Fine yeah I'll do everything." She responds. "I'm hungry." Greg says. Wirt attempts to open the door but it wouldn't budge, "It's stuck!" He exclaims, checking to see what was keeping the door from opening; it turned out to be a large, fat, shaggy dog sleeping in front of the door. "Oh- um.. Excuse me.." He says and pushes open the door, causing the dog to roll away. We walked over to a table and sat down, scanning the place. "You. Wait. Here!" Greg says while patting the frog. "I'll get some food!" He then walks off to search for something to eat. "W-well at least it has music.." Wirt says to you and Beatrice. "Well hey there peach pie what you doin around- Hey.. What's that bird you got there?" A large woman with a cute voice asks Wirt. "Uh... It's a-" "I'm Beatrice. These three sweet children and I got lost in th- AH!" She gets cut off by the woman hitting her with her broom. "No birds allowed in my tavern! It's a bad omen when a bluebird enters through your door. It's bad luck!" She explains, "Lady, blue birds are good luck! They bring joy and happiness to the- AH!" The lady hit Beatrice again. "Good luck, Bad luck, I don't need any of it!" She tells Beatrice. "Curse you lady! Curse you! You'll die one day and when you do, I'll laugh! LAUGH! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" The woman then hit Wirt with the broom due to Beatrice hiding behind his neck. "Forget this, I'm out of here. Wirt! You get directions." Beatrice says as she leaves. "W-wait! No! I don't want to-!" "Just do it!" She yells and the dog closes the door. You walk over to Wirt and lend him a hand, he takes it and you pull him up with ease. He was just about as light as a feather, you could carry him for days which could really come in handy. "Who are you three anyways bringing bad luck to my tavern?" The lady asks him. "I'm Wirt, this is Gregory, and this is (Y/n)." Wirt explains. "And that's a horse!" Greg yells pointing to the horse in the window. "Well that's great but WHO are you?" The lady asks again. "I-I'm Wirt.. I'm just a guy I guess.. W-what do you mean?" He asks. "Well he's the butcher," "I'm the butcher." "The baker," "Yeah!" "The midwife, master, and apprentice, the tailor," "Oh.." "And I'm the tavern-keeper. WHO are YOU?" She asks. "I'm hungry!" Greg yells. "I-I don't know.. I don't really like labels..I' just sort of like.. Myself.. You know.." Wirt explains. "Maybe he's simple." Someone says. "N-No! I-I'm just.. I'm just lost, you see what we're trying to get to i-" "I'm the highway man." A short, badly shaven man stand silently on the stage. "Ok.." You mutter. "U-uh.. Good to know.. S-so you see-" "I'm the highway man, I make ends meet, just like any man. I work with my hands, if you cross my path, I'll knock you out, Drag you off the road. Steal your shoes from off your feet, I'm the highway man, Gonna make it neat..." Then everyone began to cheer for his little number. It really wasn't bad so you politely clapped along with them. Greg had brought some food and you had preoccupied yourself with looking out the dark window. Suddenly you heard singing and a man dragging Wirt around giving him tips or whatnot. They were cheering and Wirt had been blushing profusely. You giggled but wondered why. You ate a little with Greg and saw them then toss Wirt up on the stage. And he began to sing as they had demanded. Although you knew very well Wirt couldn't sing if his life depended on it. "Hey! I know what you are! You're a pilgrim!" The butcher exclaims. "What? Like the guys who are Turkey and cranberry sauce?" Wirt asks while scratching his head. "No, you're a pilgrim!" The butcher exclaims lifting Wirt up on his shoulder. "A traveler on a sacred Journey!" The butcher exclaims and everyone cheers. "A pilgrim.." Wirt mutters happily. Then sporadic shouts came from the audience to tell his story. "Once Wirt fell on a Gorilla!" Greg yells. "And helped me find this frog!" "And helped me away from the woodsman!" You chime in flashing Wirt a large smile. The people come over and lift us up into the air. "And- Oh! Uh.. I met this helpful woodsman who told us which direction to to go avoid the beast! They then gasp and drop us. You landed on your but pretty hard, "Ow..." You groaned. "Oh.. You guys have heard of the beast too?" Wirt asks. "We all know the beast, Pilgrim. He lurks out there in the unknown, seeking those who are far from home! Hoping never to let you return. Oooh, better beware. Oooh, the beast is out there! Oooh, better be wise. And don't believe his lies! For once your will begins to spoil. He'll turn you to a tree of oil! And use you in his lantern for to burn." She sang. "Lantern..? The woodsman was the one with the lantern.." Wirt tells her. "Pilgrim, The one who possesses the dark lantern must be the beast!" She tells him, "N-no! The Woodsman's a good guy, he warned us of the beast and told us which direction to go to avoid him." Wirt explains. "And now you're more lost than ever! Huh?" She asks him. "Hm.. Oh yeah! Hey, can you give us some directions? Our friend Beatrice is trying to take us to Adelaide of the pasture, the good woman of the woods. She's going to help us get home." He tells them. "You don't need directions pilgrim, you follow that compass inside your heart." The apprentice tells him, patting his chest. " I need directions..-" A distant scream is then heard. "Beatrice!" You yell, attempting to get up. But before you could, Wirt runs over and grabs you bridal style, running to the door and out it. He then tosses you on the horse sitting sideways due to the dress you were wearing and sits behind you riding off and grabbing Greg, tossing him on behind him. Out of fear of falling off, you cling to Wirt who had his arms around you holding a lantern and the horse's reign. "Beatrice! Beatrice?" Wirt calls out. We then stop in front of another Edelwood tree. "It's another one of those trees.." You mutter, letting go of Wirt to turn towards the tree. "Halt!" The woodsman yells. We then see Beatrice on the tree, she was knocked out cold "Beatrice.. You're turning her into an Edelwood tree.. You were the beast after all.." He then blew out the lantern and you felt him hop off the horse, so you followed suit. The horse then hopped up on its hind legs and distracted the Woodsman enough for Wirt to grab the Woodsman's leg. "(Y/n)! Grab Beatrice!" You run over and grab her, cradling her small body in your hands then running off and grabbing Greg by the hand, pulling him back. The woodsman had grabbed Wirt and held him up. "Children! The beast is upon you!" He tells him before Wirt kicks the lantern and runs to us, placing you on the horse then hopping on himself and pulling Greg back up behind him. You hugged Wirt tightly, nuzzling your face into his chest while Beatrice lay in your skirt-covered lap. You could feel him tense up to your touch but eventually relaxed, you looked up and smiled at him, he smiled back at you. You then cradle Beatrice in your hands hoping she would wake up soon. "So how are you guys doing?" Your head shot up. "Who said that?!" You and Wirt asked simultaneously. "Me, my names Fred." The horse was talking! I couldn't believe it. "Hey do you know how to get to Adelaide Fred?" Wirt asks. "Sure I do." He then explains and presses on. Beatrice woke up soon after. "Beatrice! Are you alright?" You asked her. "Yeah I'm fine.. I saw a shadow and then stupidly flew into a tree.." She explains. "Oh well, we're alright now." Wirt says. "Wirt was amazing! He sang a song, rode a horse, and even saved you from that axe guy!He's the pilgrim!" Greg exclaims. "Yeah.. He was amazing.." You looked at Wirt and smiled, a small blush staining your cheeks, as his did the same."That's great and all, but you were supposed to get directions!" Beatrice scolds them. "Oh. We did, we got directions from Fred before you woke up." Wirt explains to her. "Wait, who?" She asks. "Oh yeah... Beatrice, meet Fred the horse." You say. "Nice to Horse your acquaintance." Fred says. "You could talk?!" She asks him, but all Fred does is laugh.

Nice extra long chapter! Yaaaay!! 2,584 words to be exact(not including this). Two chapters in one right? Lol. Episode 4 only got a part of a chapter. See you at chapter 7! Bye bye!

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