Chapter 3 A lovely little bluebird

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                        (Your pov)
   Greg, Wirt, and you walk down the path the woodsman told you to go to, the dress beginning to tear a bit, it did have a lot of drag in the back after all. Your face was scratched and your hair was an utter mess. It was almost if you were Emily, and you were decomposing. Greg had been making fart noises the entire time which helped you keep a smile. Wirt on the other hand was looking around, obvious worry on his face. "It's almost morning... We should have found a town by now... This is the way the Woodsman told us to go right?" He asks. "Wirt this was the only path we could have gone other than the one we took to get to his mill in the first place." You tell him. "Have you guys been listening to anything I've been saying? I've been saying pft pfffft pffffft." Greg said and continued making farting noises with mouth. "Well that settles it! I'm going to walk up 10 feet ahead of you." Wirt says and he does exactly what he said he'd do. You sighed, it really felt like he had a change of heart for a least a moment back at the mill. It pained you to see him back to his moping self. For a moment he almost seemed happy. You gently placed your hand on the teapot on Greg's head and shot him a smile. We then heard something, "Hey! Help! Over here! I'm stuck!" Me and Greg walked over to a bush and stuck our heads in. "Guys! I found a town! Let's go this way!" Wirt says. "Nah we'd rather stay over here!" I yell back. We saw the blue bird again and she was stuck in a branch. "Oh, it's you! Help me out and I'll owe you a favor." She says. "Whoa! I get a wish?" Greg shouts. "No no no. I'm not magical I'll just do you a good deed." And they go back and forth about the whole magic thing until, "Guys.. Stop talking to a bush." Wirt said. "Ok." Greg said as he helped the bird from its confinement. "Thank you, now I have to do you a favor you three are lost kids with no purpose in life right?" She asks. "Pretty much." I say. "How about I bring you to Adelaide of the pasture, the good woman of the woods! She can help you get home." She says. "U-uh N-no no nonononononono. Magic talking birds leading us to- Fairy godmother's in the mysterious- I... I'm going to Pottsfield." Wirt says. "Yeah! We're going to Pottsfield! Come on!" Greg says as me and the bird follow. The bird flies by me seeing I was probably the smartest one there. "So.. What's your name?" I ask the bird. "Beatrice." She tells me. "Beatrice.. I like it... My name is (Y/n)," I tell her. "This in front of me is Greg." I say. "Ok." She tells me. "The guy in the red hat is Wirt." I tell her. "Who cares?" She asks earning a glare from Wirt and a chuckle from me. "And this is Wirt jr.!" Greg says holding up the frog. "Ok that's nice." She says seeming very uninterested. I didn't blame her, I hated making small talk.  "How about you, me, and Greg ditch Wirt." She says. "Hmmm maybe later." Greg says. "Sorry.. As angry as I am with Wirt I've always been by his side. I've been through just about everything with him, sure he's irritating but he can be a really nice guy if you get to know him." Pink dusted your cheeks as you look away hoping she wouldn't notice your blush. You hear Greg scream. "Ah!" "What?! What is it?!" You tell. "I stepped on a pumpkin!" You calmed down and walked over attempting to pull the pumpkin off of his foot. "Aha! Civilization! See?" Wirt exclaims as he then steps on a pumpkin. Seeing as the pumpkin Greg stepped on was too little you walk over to Wirt and kneel down in front of him. "Here I got it." You say as you pull the pumpkin off of his foot. "Heh.. Th-thanks.." He says blushing slightly. As he then turns back around. "Come on! Let's go rejoin society!" Wirt says as he then take off for the town. "Hello? Hello!!" We all yell sporadically but to no avail. "Ugh..where are all the people?" You ask. "Guys look!" Greg's yells pointing to a large building emitting joyful music. "I get this sneaking suspicion that we should NOT go there.." You tell the three. "Look there's people there. And we're going if you don't want to go with us you don't have to." Wirt says to you. You give him an angered look in which he quickly turns around and speeds off. You, Greg, and Beatrice following shortly. "So..a great guy huh?" Beatrice asks. You just look away and shiver slightly. The air you had gotten used to had seemed to have gotten colder. Typical. We walk to the building and open the door to see pumpkin people dancing around something. Something huge.. Some guy walks in pushing me and Wirt away from each other to get in. "Oh excuse me sir and ma'am. Say, why don't you don't your vegetables and join in celebration of the harvest!" He tells us. "Oh! S-so you're wearing costumes?" Wirt asks. "Well of course. Pumpkins can't move on their own you know." The pumpkin man says and walks away. "You guys find this place as weird and creepy as I do right?" Beatrice asks. "Oh yeah, definitely mhm." You reply. "So.. It's some kind of weird cult where they.. Don vegetable outfits and dance around a big thing.. They seem nice enough.." Wirt replies. "Well you're in denial that's fine. But something feels off about this place." Beatrice says. "Well I'm going to look around and see if anyone will give us a ride home. Greg you stay out of trouble, (Y/n) you come with me, and Beatrice thank you but you can go home." Wirt says. "As much as I'd love to I can't. I'm honor bound to help you. At least that's the.. Bluebird..rules..." Beatrice says. "Alright then." Wirt says, "Come on (Y/n)." Wirt says. You groan silently and walk after him. "You're a jerk you know." You tell him, still angry at him. "What?! I-i'm not a-a jerk!" He exclaims. "Well you haven't exactly been the sweetest guy to me since we've been here, I can't believe I'm saying this but I'd rather be lost by myself than with you right now!" You tell him. He now turned to face you, he actually looked angry and although he was about 3-4 inches taller than you he didn't look scary. He was a wimp and both of you knew it. You were the one with the muscles. "Then why don't you just leave." He said coldly. "Because I can't bring myself to Wirt. I know it's just the woods getting to you and as much as I would love to listen to my head and just leave My heart can't bring me to do it..." You tell him. His expression softened and he opened his lips to apologize but you put your hand over his mouth gently. "Forget it..." You muttered and took your hand away. He sighed and continued walking.

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