Chapter 2 We're just friends

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(Wirt's pov)
"You're no better than me you know." I hear her tell me so I gave her my gaze for a moment. "You're just as stubborn as me..." She looked pained, hurt, She looked angry. I wanted to open my lips for just one moment so I could apologize but before I could she ran off. I sighed and just turned back to the fire. Finding a small toy with a ball and cup.

                          (Your pov)
   Tears brimmed your eyes threatening to be released and stain your cold (s/c) face. You gently patted your eyes with a small part of the dress and continued searching for Greg until you saw him running towards you with that frog. "Greg!" You yell and pull him into your arms. "Where have you-?" You try to ask before Something bursting through the wall interrupts you. It looked like a huge dog with glowing yellow eyes.

                       (Wirt's Pov)
   "Dang it.." I muttered as I failed again to get the ball in the small cup. I then heard a crashing noise and then a screaming voice burst through the door. "Where's your brother?! Where's the girl?!" The woodsman yells at me. I just shrug my shoulders as they come running into the room followed by a huge dog-like creature. I then saw Greg hit the Woodsman over the head with a plank. "GREG WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!" I yell at him. "Your plan remember? Knock him out!" Greg says. "No Greg! That's was a bad plan Greg!" (Y/n) yells.

                      (Your pov)
   The Beast goes for Wirt and he tries to shield himself with the grate in front of the fireplace but just ends up cowering like usual. You start to run over to help him when you hear, "Spank! Spank!" Greg was hitting the beast in the butt with the end of the axe. "Spank!" Greg finally gets the attention of the beast as Wirt runs yelling "Run! Run! Run! Run! Run!" You go for Greg, grabbing his arm after he throws candy out of his pants yelling, "Candy camouflage!" He grabbed his frog just before you started running for where Wirt had gone. The beast had burst through the wall towards Wirt but luckily he jumped out of the way in time and ran to you two. When the Beast turned around Wirt started throwing potatoes at it and running, followed closely by you. "Oh! Am I supposed to throw something at it? Hm..." He thinks and gets tossed back a bit by the Beast letting out a terrible little shriek. "Oh! Right! He he he!" He tosses candy at it and it started licking it up just as Greg runs over to you two. "It's eating the candy.." You said. "It must have followed the candy trail I made!" Greg exclaims cheerfully. "You led him right to us Greg!" As he hits Greg on the head, cause you to hit Wirt angrily on the head. "Don't you start blaming him for anything Wirt!" You tell him before the beast causes the three of you to fall by rotating the floor back and forth until you fell backwards. You turn to Greg and grab the axe just as Wirt was about to. "W-we've got to get out of here!" Wirt yells. Greg points to a ladder leading up to the roof. I let Greg and Wirt go up first then I went up. We got up there and the beast smashed right through the roof walking over to us. Out of anger and fear you take the axe and swing it, cutting the beasts face slightly but it seemed unfazed. "Uh.. Greg! Do you have anymore candy..?!" You ask him frantically. Greg reaches in his pants finding no candy but looks over at Wirt's cloak and grabs a piece of candy from there. He then accidentally drops it over the edge, the beast jumping in after it and getting caught in the wheel. Getting crushed to death. You turn towards Wirt and close your eyes gripping his arm gently as the roof then collapses and sends you three into a nearby river. You swim to the side having gotten tossed down a bit more forcefully than the others. You cough a bit and climb up. Wirt worriedly looks at you and asks, "A-Are you ok?" You cough again and nod struggling to get up. He grabs your arms and pulls you up putting an arm around your shoulder to support you. "Don't lie to me (Y/n)." He says and smiles gently. It gets a small chuckle out of you as you two then see the what the beast had coughed out, it was a small black turtle with a pink bow resting on its back. "Look Guys! The dog spit out that turtle and now he's my best friend!" You chuckled at Greg's enthusiasm as the dog then throws him off it's back and leaves. "The mill is destroyed! All the oil! Gone!" The Woodsman yells. "B-B-but look! We've got the best problem solved!" Wirt tells him as I nod. "THAT WAS NOT THE BEAST!" He yells at Wirt, "The beast can not be nullified like some farmers pet!" He says, grabbing the axe from me and walking to a rock and hitting it with his axe, "He stalks like the night, he sings like the four winds, he's the devil of all!" Then he begins to mumble nonsense under his breath. "You're always messing stuff up Greg." Wirt says as he hits Greg on the head. "BOY! You have it backwards! You are the elder child! You! Are responsible you you and your brother actions!" The Woodsman points to the mill. "And you!" He points to me. "You are responsible as well!" He tells me. "Whoa whoa whoa! What did I do?!" You ask. "You are this boys lover are you not?" He asks and points to Wirt, both of your faces being stained with red. "N-no we're.. We're just friends sir." You reply meekly. "In any case! You are old enough to take responsibility of your actions." He says, "Now! Go with that path! Find a town!" He says and points to a small forest path. "Y-yes sir." You and Wirt mumble out still a little flustered as Wirt grabs Greg's hand. "One last thing! Beware the Unknown! Fear the Beast!" The Woodsman yells to us as we leave. "Uh yeah.. Ok." Wirt tells him. "Guys.. I think I know the name for our frog." Greg says. "What is it?" I ask. "It's Wirt!" He says happily. "Aw! That's sweet naming him after your brother." You say looking at Wirt to see his reaction. "That'll get kind of confusing." He says plainly. "No it won't I'll just call you Kitty!" Greg says. "What?! Well maybe I'll just call you candy pants." Wirt says back. "Whoa! Yeah!" Greg replies. The frog croaks. "Good one Wirt!" Greg says. "O-oh thanks.." Wirt says. "Not you Wirt! I'm talking to Wirt!"

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