Chapter 5 Potatoes and Molasses

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"I don't know who she is or how she or when or why she but as for as she is she is where we shall go to Adelaide! To Adelaide! Come on and join the Adelaide parade!" Greg Sings happily. "No." Wirt and Beatrice say. You giggle and listen to Greg sing. "Adelaide! To Adelaide! Come on let's go to Adelaide's house!" You clap for Greg while Beatrice and Wirt give him an annoyed look. "Well I need to work on that last part but that's the idea, so Beatrice and (Y/n) you sing the high parts, and Wirt you sing the really high parts!" Greg says causing you to burst out laughing and Wirt to blush. "What?!" He then stops to tie his shoe as we go on ahead but soon stop "No one is singing anything anymore, and Wirt keep moving!" Beatrice says. "B-But I.. Ok." He then gets up and follows. "We have to SOMETHING fun!" Greg says "Yeah Beatrice." You say after. "You know we really don't we can just keep walking silently you know? And- ugh Wirt! Let's go!" "Sorry, sorry.." Wirt says. "Greg don't you want to be more like your brother?" Wirt begins smiling "Just always doing what your told? Just a pathetic pushover who relies on others to make all of his decisions." Beatrice tells Greg. "Now hold on I-" "Hold on Wirt let me get to my point" "Fine..." "See Greg? No willpower what-so-ever. You need to be more like that." Beatrice says. You get a bit angry about this. "Now hold on Beatrice. Has Wirt not made pretty much all of the decisions since we've gotten here? And is it not ok to follow the rules? Sure he may be dependent on people but that doesn't mean he- Where's Greg?" You ask. "Cheese and crackers!" Beatrice says. We walk around looking for Greg until finding a schoolhouse. Wirt peeks his head inside when you see Greg running to some animals in the woods. You turn and whisper to Wirt, "I found him! Come on!" Until I then hear, "Come inside children! You're late!" And Wirt walks inside after having a small argument with Beatrice. You facepalm and run after Greg. Greg runs over to the window and you follow, he then taps on the window and waves to him, you wave to Wirt and then chase after Greg again. You chase Greg around for a while, at one point Greg thought we were playing tag and started giggling until we found some animals in clothes. They played some game Greg made up called 'too old cat' one of the animals then found- A Gorilla?! I grabbed Greg's pudgy little hand and ran, at first I was leading him but eventually he was pulling me along until we ended up next to the bell. I grabbed Greg and he animals and got down from there before one on them had gotten hurt. We kept running until one of the animals and hit the gorilla over the head with a stick. Speaking of which how was there a Gorilla in the forest anyways? Greg grabbed your hand and pulled you in the school running into the back with the rest of the kids. "Oh hey Wirt." You said and sat next to him. "Hey, what happened to you? Your dress looks a little torn up." He says and he was right, the bottom of your dress was completely torn and dirtied. "We got chased.." You told him. "By what?" He asks looking concerned. "I hardly know myself.." You tell him. He lifts up his spoon to eat "Hey nobody ordered you to eat yet." Beatrice tells him. "Yeah but-.. Hm.." He puts the spoon down and puts his hand on his cheek. You chuckled, "Hey Wirt, eat your food." You say, "better to eat something than nothing, we have gone a long while without food anyways." You put a little spoon in your mouth not caring about the bland flavor, it was nice to eat something after so long. Wirt did the same. You ate slowly watching as Greg walked over to the teacher and showed her a song to play, it was a lot more lively than before, Greg then climbed up to the piano and grabbed the large jar of molasses that sat there. He then began to sing, "Oh potatoes, and Molasses. If you want some, oh just ask us! They're warm and soft like puppies and socks! Filled with cream and candy rocks! Oh potatoes, and Molasses. They're so much sweeter than algebra class! If your stomach is grumblin' and your mouth starts mumblin' there's only one thing to keep your brain from tumblin'! Oh potatoes, and Molasses. If you can't see em' put on your glasses! They're shiny and large like a fisherman's barge! You know you've eat enough when you start seein' stars! Oh potatoes, and Molasses. It's the only thing left on your task list. They're short and stout to make everyone shout! For potatoes, and, Molasses! For potatoes and-!" "That's enough!" A man in a large coat yells while barging through the door. "Father!" Ms. Langtree exclaims. "Is this what I've been paying for?!" He says moving his arm around to emphasize his point. "Hey! We just wanted to have a little fun!" Greg says. "Fun? I didn't invest in this school for fun! I thought we were trying to do IMPORTANT work here! Teaching animals to count and spell!" Ms. Langtree's father says. "But we are! Oh please don't shut down the school! It won't happen again!" Ms. Langtree says. "I should say it won't!" And he walks around taking the instruments from each animal. "Now send them to bed!" He says before leaving. "You heard father.. Off to bed with you.." Ms. Langtree says sadly. We all walk over to the beds and lay down. You were laying at the edge next to Wirt, you looked over at him and giggled at his hair, which had taken the shape of his pointed hat. "What are you laughing at?" He asks you. "Oh nothing..." You say. "Ok Wirt I give up, though you seem like a pushover you're not." "Oh?" "Yeah.. Deep down.. You're a stubborn jerk! When are you gonna give this up?" "Never. Maybe I'll never give this up." You chuckled at the little argument Wirt and Beatrice had. "Wirt's right! We shouldn't give up! Now let's go save the day!" Greg yells. "Ok if you say so." Wirt replies earning a groan from Beatrice. We then climb out of the window and leave into the forest.

Holy flub publishing these chapters has been a pain in my booty. They just will not publish and I have to keep unpublishing and republishing them until they go up. Although I have to say I really do enjoy writing this story, I honestly look forward to writing it, as you can see I'm going off the episodes so I'm litterally watching the episodes while I write this, pausing it at every moment. And each episode has 2 chapters. I try to make sure each chapter also has a minimum of 1,000 words which honestly gets filled up really quickly because when I first watched this series I had the idea to write this and I didn't have the courage to until now. And you probably don't want to hear me babble because I'm boring as flub so I'll just go and keep writing more chapters. And maybe eat some potatoes and molasses (• w •)

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