Chapter 13 The End.

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All you could think of or remember was falling, falling into a spiral of light and color. You awoke to the feeling of something poking you, "Hey (Y/n)!" You hear Greg yell happily. "G-Greg! What are you doing here?" You ask, worriedly. "Where's WIRT?!" You practically scream at him. "Wirt is taking a nap. I'm going to defeat the beast!" He says happily. "Wh-wha..?" Before you could finish your thought Greg left. You tried to run after him but it was almost as if he had vanished. Tears streamed down your face. "Greg... Beatrice..." You said weakly. "Wirt..." You were physically hurt now. "I couldn't protect you... I couldn't keep you safe... Now all of you will be stuck here and it will be all my fault." You collapsed by a tree in a clearing, Edelwood surrounding you; Covering you completely. You fell into a deep slumber. Your dream was grim, full of darkness, then you saw someone; A man walking towards you. "Tell me (Y/n), why do you care for Wirt so much? Why were you willing to give yourself up to me just to save him?" He asks you, making you angry. "Because, he's done so much for me, I owe him my life." You growl. "What has he done for you? You've risked your life on countless occasions to keep him safe and what does he do? He chooses some girl he barely knew over you." You felt a sharp pain in your chest, not of injury, but of hurt. "I-I..." "Let's make a deal, I will give you one more chance, if I can convince you to leave Wirt behind, I'll let you leave alone. But if you insist on saving him and his young brother, I will let them leave." "Deal." You say confidently. Before you knew it, you were in another flashback, another memory. You were 14 years old, "Ugh... Wirt can we go?" You say, extremely bored. "No." He replies, not bothering to even look at you. His eyes were locked on Sara, the girl of his dreams. He would make you sit here for hours on end just to see her prance around in that dumb bee outfit. You groaned in annoyance and pulled out your phone, scrolling through Instagram. After about 10 minutes your phone died, and you had to sit here once more, bored to death. Eventually it became unbearable to sit there and watch so you got up and started walking. You expected to at least get into a fight with Wirt, get his eyes off of that girl for a least a second. But no, not this time. His eyes were glued onto the girl today. You couldn't believe it. He truly didn't care that you were leaving, you kept walking; trying to get the thought out of your head. Attempting to convince yourself you didn't care. But the problem was that you cared too much. You cared so much about the boy you had realized that you had formed a crush on the boy. He was adorable in your eyes. But no. He didn't care about you. All he cared about was his precious Sara. You made it all the way home and simply sat on your front porch, angry with just about everything at that moment. You got up when tears began to form and walked into your room, letting your tears out. Sobbing for the rest of the night. You faded back to the man, he was smirking, noticing that your expression had faded. "Ready to give in yet?" He asks. "N...No... No... No! No I'm not!" You say, determination once again filling your soul. "Alright, here we go again." And you faded into another memory. "I can't believe you right now!" Wirt yells at you. "Really?! You can't believe me?! I can't believe you! You never even talk to me anymore! And when you do talk to me, it's about Sara! I! Don't! Care! About! SARA!!!" You yell angrily at him. "I thought you were a supportive friend but now you're just being selfish!" He retorts. "Selfish?! ME?! SELFISH?! How can you SAY THAT?! I am ALWAYS here for you! I protect you, I help you, I even talk to Sara for you! But no! The guy who does nothing but fawn over some girl is going to call ME selfish!" And with that you stormed out of his room. You began to run home, not bothering to text you mom to pick you up. You knew how to get home. But you needed time to walk around and cool off. That night you got constant texts and calls from Wirt but you didn't bother to even look at them. You were selfish, you ran from him, you ran from your problems. You were the idiot, you were the irrational one. That's the only thing you could think. And once again, for the rest of the night; You sobbed. You faded back. All of your determination. It was gone. It had flown out the window by now. "I think you've seen enough." He says, "Now come on, come to your senses. Leave him here, go home. Live a happy life. Without him." He puts out his hand. You hesitantly reached out, but then stopped. You brought your hand back to your body and stood up, looking the man in the eye. "I would die a million times before I would leave Wirt behind. No. Deal." And with that, you crossed your arms. "Hm.. Very well then. They will be safe to go home, and you will stay here, forever to wander these woods. You are a brave and loyal person, that is very respectable. I wish you the best of luck for the rest of eternity." You nod and take a lantern from him, waking up to being covered in Edelwood, holding a bright lantern. Wirt was standing he the clearing, holding Greg. You walked up to him, your eyes glowing a bright yellow color. "Wirt. Go." You say sternly. "B-But-" "Go home Wirt, I will not be returning with you. I ensured that you will make it home safely." You explain, not wanting to make this a sorrowful goodbye. "N-No! I can't leave! I can't leave without you!" "Yes you can and you must Wirt. Go home, be with Sara. And be Happy." You place your hand on his cheek, looking him dead in the eye. "And never return." With that, you turn and walk away into the woods. Hearing him call out desperately for you. It hurt you to say goodbye to him but you knew it was for the best. He would be happy, the whole forest would be happy. It would all work out. Even if it meant,
That you weren't happy.

And that is the end! Sorry to have such a sad ending but! Like I said in a previous chapter I will be working on a sequel. Instead of having this sort of schedule I may try to make more chapters per day and post them a bit more sporadically. I don't know, maybe I'll use the same schedual but I'm not sure, the Sequel will come up soon and it will be a lot easier to write and chapters may be a bit longer because it is entirely my brain! (Actually probably not really but you get my point.) But anyways, on that note all I haves to say is toodles. ✋🏻

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