If only the beautiful things weren't so hard to obtain
And I wasn't so impatient and rolled my eyes at the thought of waiting
I always hated the word soon, and the word later
Always wanted what I want at the moment I wanted it
I guess I'm demanding
But when it comes to the beautiful things who wouldn't be?
Those are the things that we live for
They make us feel free
I find a small portion of that beauty in my poetry
Or a song
But I'm still missing something
It has to be the success I crave
The many accomplishments attached to my name
Along with financial security, it doesn't have to be fame
I have to crawl before I walk
I have to walk before I can run
There is a process
There is an obstacle
There are things I must overcome
So much work to be done
And my impatience gets no better
But I know something beautiful awaits me
Something I'll forever treasure