Rather than being my biggest fan. You are my biggest critic. If I wrote you 100 poems and sung you 100 songs you'd tell me you don't feel it. You're always comparing yourself to me. Or telling me how you wish you had attention. Or how your life sucks, mine doesn't, and your family never listens. You tell me I'm the one with the easier life. But you don't know how often I cry myself to sleep at night. Wishing I had things together. Hoping and praying my future will be bright. Your present is already brighter than mines. But you're not hearing what I'm saying. You envy me so much you won't even give me a congratulations. Because people sleep on your achievements. At least that's what you told me the other day. Just because they overlooked you, doesn't mean you have to do me the same way. I can't help that I know more people. I can't help that my family is larger. How many times do I have to tell you that doesn't make me popular. I'm still introverted. Still feeling misunderstood and deserted. So quite frankly, it doesn't matter how much I am supported. Support from others doesn't guarantee happiness. That comes from within. And honestly I haven't obtained inner happiness yet.