Reaching The Shire

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It was pouring outside as you ran through the rain trying to find your new home. You only saw a house that was still being constructed, so you figured it wasn't yours, you knock on the nearest hobbit hole.
"Go away, we don't want any visitors!" Yells an old hobbit.
"I'm not visiting, I only need directions, I think I might be lost!" You shout back.
The old hobbit walks to his door and opens it, an angry expression on his face.
"What is it, what do you want?" He asks in an annoyed tone.
But as soon as he realized it was a just a girl, soaked and cold his face softened.
"I'm sorry to bother you sir-" you begin to say as he cuts you off.
"Excuse me?" You asked confused.
"My name is Bilbo Baggins, you can call me Bilbo."
"Oh, ok, well hello Bilbo, I'm y/n." 
You asked him if he knew where the new house was, he explained it wasn't ready, and in the end you ended up staying at his house for the next week, until your home was finished.

"Frodo, come here, I would like you to meet someone. This is y/n, she will be staying with us for a week." Bilbo says to Frodo.
"Hi, I'm Frodo."
"Hi, I know." You reply, giggling.
Frodo bluses and looks down to the floor. Bilbo turns and leads you to the room you would be staying at. Early in the morning, just as the sun was coming up, you awaken and get dressed, then walk to the kitchen and get an apple.
"Where do you think you're going?" Frodo asks just as you were going to open the door and head out.
"I was just going to go outside and explore the place a bit."
"Well, I'll show you around." Frodo goes out the door, and you follow him.

After spending hours wandering all around the shire and meeting the folk you both finally went back home.
"Well there you two are, been looking all over for you. Well you're both just in time for afternoon tea."
After tea all three of you stayed and talked inside. You had dinner, and after that, got ready for bed.

You hear a knock on your bedroom door and get up to see who it was, to your surprise it was Frodo.
"C'mon y/n, I wanna show you something, It's best we go there before the sun comes up. I'll be waiting in the kitchen."
And before you could reply, he closes the door and goes to the kitchen. You quickly get dressed and go to the kitchen. You both soon head out, the sun had still not risen.
"Here it is." Frodo says with a smile on his face.
"A tree?"
"Come on, I'll help you up."
He climbs up first, then helps you.
"This is my favorite spot to come."
You both stay still and quiet, looking at the sky, watching the sun rise.
"Wow it's so pretty." You say, amazed.
"Yeah. But I've seen prettier."
Frodo looks at you then back to the sky with a cute smile on his face. You blush, but just think to yourself that he probably meant someone or something else.


Author's Note
If you don't want to use yourself in the story You can use this character, (or any other character you want):
Jazel: she has long hazel brown curly hair, and green eyes, a beautiful smile and red rosy cheeks. She is 2 in. shorter than Frodo.

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