chapter 1 monkey man

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you were walking from work it was a long day so long it was night time and you hated walking at night, yes you were kinda a wimp but there were rumors that a monkey looking man was somewhere in this area at least that's the rumor going around.

"god why did work take so long" you said to yourself coming up to the path you always take you noticed it was closed it looked liked it was blown up.a construction worker saw you .

  "hey" he yelled "sorry sir you can't come through here" 

you were confused "why not"

he scratched his head " some kinda lighting bolt struck the sidewalk,but the couple reported that it looked like some  ball of energy from the sky" .

"well...that's interesting " you said to the man, well all you know is that your taking another way home,but the only other way was through the woods.....(there is no way or amount of money I would walk through the woods at night) you hated that way it was extremely dark and that's were most people spotted than monkey man creature.

"*sigh* guess i have no choice"you started walking

few minutes later....

you were still walking on the dirt filled path bugs were buzzing all over the place " kami when does this trail end" you said then you heard rustling in the leaves "OH HELL NO" you started running you heard rushing footsteps and was soon pinned down by a mass.

 "ugh...." you opened our eyes and saw a man with long black hair smiling at you with red tinted eyelids and yellow eyes " AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH" you screamed like a little girl he was surprised by how high your voice got he started moving closer to your face as if seeing if your ok "AAAHH NO STAY AWAY" you yelled he backed up on all fours like an ape .

"ooh-ooh..." he said like an ape(i literately had to look up how to spell that) is this the monkey man he started to creep up closer you wanted to run but you were frozen in fear.he got to your face again checking if your ok he looked around our face and saw nothing wrong so he went back to smiling again.

he's actually not that bad like the people said you thought,then you noticed he was staring at your groceries "um you want something out of this" he titled his head when you put your hand in the bag. you took out an apple and his face lite up " ah you do want this" you gave him the apple and he ate it in one bite."wow cool" you gave him another he ate it so fast he began to choke a little you laugh that's you get from eating to fast.

he looked at you and laugh to "well i gotta go now" you began walking and goku began crawl behind you like an ape "um hey you can't come you have to stay"he began to frown you started thinking that it might be lonely here plus people might come and try and kill him"sigh...ok come on" his face lite up with a goofy smile"but first lets give you a name how about goku...?" you questioned his response was jumping on top of you yelling "ooh-ooh--aaah" this was defiantly a long day

(im so making a part 2 of this later on hoped you liked it)

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