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goku's pov

goku was currently fighting vegeta in his ozaru form,the only thing on his mind was you at the moment.you were currently laying stiff on the ground unconscious, a few feet away from them.

vegeta punched goku in the gut causing him to hunch over,goku retaliated by hitting him in the face making vegeta step backwards.he quickly rushed towards his opponent,but goku caught his hands. 

"face it kakarrot  your no match for me" vegeta yelled aloud.then shoved him into a pillar of rocks.

he was right goku did had exeperice in his ozaru form but vegeta simply had more power than him.he rememberd the second time he had transformed,a t-rex was chasing him at night. he transformed out of fear of being eaten,the third time was when poachers came to hunt him once they heard there was a beast in the forest.while tracking him the shot and killed many of his animal freinds,and out of anger he transformed and killed them all.

but this was the first time he had faced an enemy just like him,this was different.

your pov



you shot up from unconsciousness."y/n your alright!" krillin yelled then hugged you.

"KRILLIN! I TOLD YOU TO GET OUT OF HERE!"you yelled,krillin gave you a serious look "i wasn't gonna leave you behind y/n!I was afraid you might have ended like everyone else..."you looked at krillin then hugged him."i'm sorry krillin,i didn't think you felt so strongly about me"he hugged back "of course i do y/n your my best friend". you pulled away from him "ok, but first we have to help goku,see that big ape over there without the armor" you pointed to him.krillin's eyes widen "y-yeah" you chuckled at his nervous response "that's goku,we need to take out vegeta while goku's distracting him."

"how do we do that he's huge!"krillen gave a shocked response.you smiled "with a sayains one weakness of course!"

animal-like ssj4!goku x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now