the fight

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"Goku!"you yelled and ran over to his side hugging him,vegeta growled. "Ooh y/n!" He cried out and nuzzled you,but then he stopped. You were confused on why he stopped,then he started to sniff you."um goku?" You asked,goku looked up at vegeta and growled. Vegeta smiled "you seem to be upset kakkarot, smell something familiar on y/n" vegeta taunted at goku.thats right vegeta rubbed his scent on you, maybe that's what he smells."goku calm down he didn't do anything to me"goku looked down at you worried.

"Oh really nothing happened,not even when we kissed" vegeta said then laugh. Goku turned to vegeta with a surprised look "that right kakkarot  I stole y/n first kiss he's my mate"vegeta yelled at goku.goku was shocked that someone had kissed you before he could,sure he gave you small pecks on the check but never on the lips.goku growled then flew towards vegeta throwing kicks and punches."damn he's more powerful than I expected " vegeta whispered " hey!"vegeta turned to be punched in the face by you, and flew into a mountain nearby. "That's for kissing me without permission!" You yelled goku looked back at you surprised at your strength. "Sorry about that goku I've been training with piccolo heh..." You said rubbing the back of your head. Goku just smiled.

"This can't be happening,me losing to low class scum,impossible."vegeta yelled a loud. You and goku laughed " what's wrong prince of all sayains, where's all that strength and power you were talking about."you yelled back at him. He growled "I'll show you!" He began to fly up in the air "galic gun!" vegeta then fired a purple beam of energy towards you!"Shit!Goku need you to copy me ok!"goku nodded "ka-me-ha-me-ha!"you both shot the Kamehameha at vegeta,but it wasn't enough you were all at a stand still. "I told you,y/n there's no way you can beat me,not even the help of another low class saiyan is any match to my superiority " he yelled down at the both of you.

You were cheek to cheek with goku "dammit goku I think he's right,I'm giving he all I got." You told goku. Goku glanced at you for a moment "kioaken -times-4!" He yelled as red aura flared around him. The Kamehameha became much larger!you were surprised at how much  power he had just release in his first form. "No no no no no FUCK!!!"vegeta yelled and was then pushed further into the sky.

You saw vegeta blasting off again and laughed,goku soon joined. "Thanks bud you were awsome!"you hugged him tightly,a blush formed on your face. This was the first time you hugged goku...without a shirt...and fur. His skin was kinda soft,you pulled away from him"hey bud "goku looked down at you"ooh?"he asked. You then kissed him on the nose. Goku stood there for a second, his face went completely red and he smiled. "Ooh-y/n!y/n!y/n!" Goku yelled a loud while rubbing his face against your's "ha goku calm down." You admit you were enjoying the nuzzles,but vegeta was still up there and he wasn't giving up anytime soon.

Vegeta pov

"Damn it!Damn it!Damn it!"vegeta yelled a loud "I can't believe my own mate is being this disobedient and it's all because of..."vegeta gritted his teeth "kakkarot" vegeta fell a little defeated  that his mate would choose someone lower than him. Tears rose in his eyes,he shook his head"no it's not over I can still  prove my self to him,it's almost night time when the moon show I can..."vegeta looked around in the sky.

"Wait where's the damn moon?!"

(Lol next time on dbz)

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