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You and goku were getting ready to leave the sun was setting.decided to give goku one of your blue long sleeved shirt to wear "ready to go goku" he jumped up from sitting and started panting "ok let's go!".you opened the door goku rushed down the hall on all fours you laughed at his excitement,did he really miss me so much that he had to travel to my work did he even find me more or less how did he change his form you looked at goku he still had golden hair.

Again you were so deep in thought that you didn't even notice goku literally face to face with you. "aah! goku.. um sorry i wasn't paying attention there,uh but we can leave now."you started going down the stairs(since the elevators might scare him) with goku trailing be hide you"alright goku were about to go outside,ready."goku nodded you opened the door of course goku ran out first,but wait for you"whoa calm down buddy!"you ran towards goku and started petting him to calm him down,and it worked!"OK let's just calm down and let's just walk ok" he nodded and started walking to you.

while walking you noticed people staring and mumbling something like"why is that man crawling on all fours?"you looked down "oh shit" you were so use to goku walking like that you forgot you were in public"goku!you can't walk like that in public."goku didn't understand why you were freaking out until you grabbed his arm and pulled him up"Let me help you."you began walking beside goku holding his arm you took each step carefully since you knew goku was new to this.

"aww~~ that's so cute!" you heard a women say then you heard light giggles and mumbles like "they must really love each other to hold arms like that in public." oh god you thought people are gettin the wrong idea,you look up at goku he was still smiling,well as long as he's happy i guess it's ok.

time skip

you made it out of the city and walked along the dirty road you didn't like the forest that much,but goku seemed more calm than being in the city.along the road you kept hearing howling gradually getting louder(hell no...just saying -_-) you thought it couldn't get worse when a pack of wolves jumped out"HOLY SHIT" you said stumbling over a little.they looked like they were going to attack when goku jumped in front of you growling most of the wolves step back,but one was still growling goku's eyes rolled to the back of his head warm amount of wind started swirling around him and slight lighting could be seen."G-goku again!"the wolves started whimpering and ran away.

goku stood there almost as if he was proud of himself his hair had just grown 3 times it's original length "um thanks goku" you mange to spit out despite you almost got eaten by wolves.

time skip by goku wagging his tail

"were home" goku ran in and jumped on  the couch"ha were you homesick" you started laughing but the saw goku transform back to how you first saw him magenta fur,yellow eyes and long black hair."guess you were homesick,but to be honest i like you better this way" you started to laugh again and he smiled.

animal-like ssj4!goku x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now