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(ok guys first off 1.1k reads....really i mean wow you guys must really like this story thank you.even the people who just skimmed over it thanks)

You,bulma and goku were flying to master roshi's. You decide to sit on the back seat since you knew goku wasn't fond of technology,he was currently laying on your lap his face was turning green."um bulma I think Goku's car sick can you slow down a bit" bulma turned around and saw Goku's green face " alright,as long as he doesn't throw up in my car".you patted Goku's head as the car slowed down a bit " you alright buddy?" He looked up at you and nodded slowly then turned back to your lap to rest. "Well at least he's fine "


You all manage to make to roshi's without goku barfing in the car you got out with Goku's arm around you neck helping him out "come on we're on land now see"you pointed to the sandy beach. Goku's eyes widen with happiness you and bulma started laughing when you saw goku kissing the ground"Y~~/N!!" you turned to the women's voice only to be tackled by a hug. "Chi chi" you yelled in surprise goku turn to look at you by hearing random yelling he saw chichi attach to you and instantly frowned."hey don't get jealous chichi's just an old friend y/n hasn't seen in awhile" bulma tried telling goku.

"Chi chi you've gotten so big" you said grabbing her shoulders " and your still fighting I see" you said examining her fighting uniform " yeah are you " you looked down"heh no..." Chichi was a little confused on why you stop making eye contact. "Y/n is that you" you recognized that voice any where "krillen!" You yelled running to him picking him up in a bear hug "woah y/n  I see your still strong as ever"he said laughing "well anyone can pick you up krillen,cause your so short " you squeezing him on that last part"ay now easy" everyone was having a good time except goku. He was looking at the man your holding with a confused look.

Every time you would hold or get hugged by someone he would all was get this weird feeling in his stomach. Goku  looked down at his stomach then back at you all not knowing how to deal with the situation.krillen suddenly felt someone  he turned to see goku " u-um y/n who's that" he said pointing to goku,everyone turned and chichi automatically started freaking out "Oh my god what the Hell is that" chichi yelled making a fighting stance. You got in front of goku knowing chi chi was going to attack him "wait he actually why I came here with me" chichi calmed down " then who is he?" She asked "well funny story I kinda found him on a for-"you stopped talking once you saw master roshi "master roshi" you said "y/n it's nice to see you again after all these years nice to see you've grown into a fine young man, you must get all the young ladies now"he said while laughing.

You looked down " I'm sorry..." Was all you could say "mmhmm sorry for what" he asked calmly " for not seeing you for so long,and not keeping up with training and not-" you were cut off by master roshi laughing again " is that why your so upset,y/n I'm old you don't have to cost me often and what you do is your decision not mine.if you don't want to keep training that's fine". You looked up surprised "really, I thought I disappoint you since you called me your star pupil even though I wasn't that strong..." You replied back" what are you kidding me y/n your the strongest out of all of us" krillen butted in " yeah every time we were in trouble you manage to get us out of it,your the best fighter I know"chichi added.

"Really" you looked down tears started to form all this time you thought you were weak and worthless to your were wrong "ooh-aah"goku said giving you a sympathetic look"I'm alright buddy lets go inside" you said turning back towards roshi he nodded.

After telling everyone about goku cause I'm tired 😔

"Wait you found him in the forest!"chichi yelled "yeah all alone"you said rubbing your ears"so that's not a costume he's wearing" krillen said pulling on the mans magenta fur it definitely was real.he a gasped when goku looked down after he pulled his fur"wait let me try..."chichi said then started to pet Goku's hair he purred at the soft touch"what!let me try" krillen started petting him as well,soon bulma, chichi, and krillen started petting goku at the same time. Goku however was enjoying the attention, he was kind of warming up to everyone."ugh just why..." You said face palming at everyone while master roshi was just laughing the old gang was back together again for now.....

(Ok first off sorry if roshi was a little ooc I wanted him to be more of a farther figure,but he's still a pervert because I find it hilarious,also I might go back and edit some stuff cause right now I'm still half asleep.hope you enjoyed though)P.S chichi is way nicer

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