Prince vegeta

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You and the gang stared at the two pods that landed in front of you only to see two sayains pop out.

" vegeta!vegeta look earthling"the tall one said

"I see them nappa" the short one you guessed who's name was vegeta said annoyed he looked around and you caught his eye,he sniffed the air and smiled "and a sayain". You flinched knowing he meant you.

"Hello y/n" you hid behind piccolo a little "oh shit" you whispered. You were a little scared but not that much because your friends were around,and you knew they would protect you.

"Don't be scared y/n I've been looking all over for you." He yelled from afar then flew in front of piccolo. Piccolo held his hand behind him trying to shield,Vegeta wasn't fazed at all."move namekian. " but piccolo didn't budge,vegeta held up his hand you knew he was going to blast him you didn't want anyone else to die because of you."n-no piccolo stop,i'll go with him"you yelled "y/n no!" Piccolo yelled " piccolo it's ok I'll be fine trust me." Piccolo looked at you for a second then moved out of the way for vegeta to grab you. He had a tight grip on your wrist while was pulling you "ow..." You whispered.he then tossed you on the ground were nappa space pod was "finally I have you after all these years my mate" your eyes widen at his words"m-mate" you stuttered."that rights I've been waiting just for this moment".he said with a sinister tone " what are yo-" he cut you off by smacking his lips against yours,you pushed him away though "why did you do that you pervert!" You yelled. Vegeta had stole your first kiss,you teared up a bit you wanted your first kiss to be special not like this.


You heard a voice,but it wasn't vegeta' looked around but saw no one else that had that voice "what are you looking for" vegeta asked curiously "n-nothing!" You said vegeta looked at you then walked away closer towards nappa you sighed.

"Hello anyone there!"

There was that voice again "who is this" you asked " this is king Kai,are you y/n" you were surprised he new your name " yes I'm y/n". "Great I have you friend goku here on my planet" your eyes widen "you have goku!" You said a little surprised.

At King Kai's planet

" yes I have him and he's quiet the odd the ball" King Kai then turned to goku who was imitating bubbles. He shook his head "anyway he arrived here and I could barley understand what he was saying at first until I realized he was talking like my friend bubbles here."King Kai sighed when he saw goku rolling down the planet with bubbles in his hand smiling. "Anyway I've been training him and he's pretty strong,I wasn't sure if I could teach him anything. " you smiled at that comment  you knew your goku was strong. " but I did spend sometime teaching him some proper English,I don't think he really understands that much so I'm leaving that part up to you."

"Really thanks mister Kai this means a lot" you were excited to here goku is doing well. "Oh and by the way the real reason I called you is because I want to let you know that your friends are going to revive goku" your eyes widen " really...he's coming back" you asked " yes but you have to distract the sayain's,good luck y/n"he told you "wait!can I speak to him for a bit!" You asked " um sure goku!" Goku looked over to King Kai with bubbles in his hand "y/n wants to talk to-" before King Kai could finish goku quickly put his hands on his back."ooh...y/n?"

"Goku is that you " you asked "ooh y/n!y/n!y/n!" Goku was yelling in your head happily you giggled softly "Goku calm down ok I can hear you,are you ok " you ask "y-yes" Goku said straining his voice a little you could tell he was still learning "I'm glad your Ok I don't know what I would do without you"you said tearing up "y/n o-k" Goku asked worried.

"Yes goku I'm ok"

(I didn't know how to end this part lol also sorry for late updates but I hope you enjoyed the chapter happy Halloween!)

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