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(this might be short)

you watched goku and raditz fight from the space pod he looked like he was struggling,piccolo jumped in but it still didn't make that much of a difference."why isn't he changing form" you asked yourself

goku went on all fours panting,piccolo was standing but still worn out" come on brother is that all you got!"raditz screamed"dammit were getting our asses kicked!" piccolo yelled goku only didn't know what to do but you felt angry building up inside of you."i'll tell you what brother i'll give you one last chance to join me and you might just have Y/N back."goku looked at raditz and shook his head quickly. Raditz looked sad at first but quickly
shook it off"fine i'll just take y/n and kill you instead!" he yelled then quickly charged at both of them.

It wasn't to long until goku collapse on the ground,raditz put his foot on Goku's chest and gathered some ki in his hands" time to end this". you began to feel an horrible amount of rage towards raditz after seeing what he did to goku your goku! "Don't touch my goku!!!!!" You yelled and broke out of the space pod raditz turned around and was immediately head butted in the stomach  making him tumble towards the ground.goku looked shocked at you " ooh..." He said snapped out of your rage after hearing Goku's voice" goku are you alright!"you said rushing over to him."y/b what hell was that!" piccolo yelled "w-what was what?" You asked you honestly have know idea what's going on or how you got out of the pod.all you know is that goku is laying on the ground hooting at you in pain"it's ok buddy don't try to talk." You were rubbing his head comforting him,piccolo just ignored you two deciding to look at raditz on the ground.

Raditz growled and got back up" you damn brats after I came all this way to get you two...especially you y/n do you know what I had to go through with the prince nagging my ass off about you!"no one said anything piccolo took a fighting stance you coward behind him. "Y/n I think I have a plan but your going to have to distract him." You put Goku's head out of your lap and nodded. "Alright raditz you wanted me come and get me!" You yelled making a fighting stance you haven't made in a while.


A few moments later raditz had beaten the living hell out of you. You could tell you were rusty,he had currently had you in headlock" ready to give up." He whispered " never " you told him." Y/n get ready to dodge!"(lol most of you guys will get this) you tried moving away but there was no use.then something grabs raditz  from behind it was goku!

"Goku wait don't...!"

"DODGE!!!" Piccolo yelled and shot his special beam cannon. You of course dodged but the beam went raditz and goku."GOKU NO!" You yelled as they both fell to the ground"no no no no....." You rushed toward Goku's body. "gok.....buddy " he looked at you and smiled he looked so tired "d-don't go bud please..." You were on the break of tears " y-y/n..." Was the last thing he said before he closed his eyes.

Goku had died for you.

(Well this ones short,but sorry for not updating I've been. Drawing on sai and in band literally typed half of this during my break but anyways I hope you enjoyed)

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