the great ape

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"wait where's the damn moon"vegta looked around,but there was no trace of the moon."what the hell is wrong with this damn planet!"Vegeta grided his teeth nothing was going to plan.

"Fine,I'll just make one myself!"Vegeta charged energy in his hand and tossed it in the air.The ki stayed in the sky in the form of a orb.Vegeta's heart started to beat faster,he smirked"just you wait Kakarot I'll show you!"

Back to y/n

You and goku were looking in the sky."he sure is taking his sweet time isn't he."you asked goku he smiled at you. you smiled back at goku,still happy that he's alive"hey goku can I tell ou something?"goku gave you a questionable look.""your face flustered .You noticed a giant dark shadow began to pass over you.

You both looked up noticing a giant figure looking really familar to the beast you saw in goku's dream."what the hell is that you yelled.Goku was stunned eyes widen as he looked at the beast.Terrible memories started flooding in of his grandfarther,and how he ruined his home and most of the wildlife around him.

"goku!get out of the way."

You yelled from a far,but it was too late.Vegeta(you guessed from the battle armor)had stomped goku,crushing most of the rocks around him."Goku!"you yelled his name.he was struggling under vegeta's giant foot."ha kakarot,I told you it's no use,I am a sayain elite and I will not be defeated by a low class saiyan!" Goku started growling and snarlng,trying to get.from underneath vegeta's foot.

"leave him alone!"you yelled and kicked vegeta in the eye."AH GOD DAMN IT!" vegeta  yelled covering his eyes,he moved his foot slightly for you to pry goku from it.You put goku over your shoulders,you weren't loosing him again.

Laying him on the ground slightly far away from vegeta.You rubbed his hair gently "Don't worry buddy,I'm not losing you again."you kissed him on the cheek.he whimpered when  he saw you leave,knowing he couldn't follow you.He didn't want his future mate to be taken by that beast.

he knew the power the monster had,and y/n was no match for it.

Y/n flew to vegeta quickly"vegeta!it's just you and me now!"he laughed at you"oh y/n I have no intrest in fighting you" he reached both his hands out and trapped you"but,I have no problem breaking your bones,it would make it easier to take you with me."he squeezed you harder.You couldn't take it anymore and screamed.

Goku's Pov 


y/n is screaming.

he is screaming my name.

Goku thought to himself.Y/n was in trouble he was in trouble,he was in pain.goku looked to the sky staring into the "moon."his heart beated faster,the only thing he could think about was saving you.

Back to you

your vision was failing the pain was to much the last think you heard before passing out to much the last thing you heard was a roar.

wow how long has it been since i updated 4 months ago.i'm going to make an a/n for the future of this story next explaining what I've been doing.

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