hate for shots

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"NURSE LAUNCH"(pretend launch is a nurse in this) you pushed off goku quickly and stand up"I-It's not what you think" launch gave a nervous smile "oh-well Dr y/n i didn't know you had a boyfriend" you blushed while goku was still on the floor smiling trying to figure out who this women is."n-no he's just a friend fooling around, he came here because he um...he wanted to get a vaccine"that was the only excuse you can think of,but now that you think of it has goku even had any treatments for diseases. most likely not he's been in the forest for what looks like years he could have an illness right now and not even know it.while you were worrying about goku's health launch walked over to the mysterious man.

"oh i'm sorry sir,but if your here for a vaccine i can help you with that please tell me your name and will get started."goku gave launch confused yet serious look he was a little surprised on how calmly she walked up to him."ah nurse goku is disabled um....he can't speak an human language because he's been around animals all his life." she looked surprised "dear god how did he survive"she questioned "i don't know all i know is that he needs to be checked first then vaccined,nurse please get him an hospital outfit.""yes sir"launch said then she walked out the room you could tell goku became more relaxed.

" don't worry buddy launch is really nice,there's no need to be afraid."goku looked at you and smiled then jumped on the bed like a little kid " GOKU NO" you yelled but he ignored you "ooh-aah." he yelled. you face palmed but him doing that does remind of that one children book "three little monkeys jumping on the bed" you started snickering to yourself goku stopped wondering what was so funny.

"Dr y/n i have the outfit" goku stopped to look at launch for a moment then sat down"a thank you nurse" you grabbed the outfit "ok goku please remove your clothes(pants)" goku looked at launch then quickly back to you shaking his head you got the message."um...nurse" "already on it" she left again" jeez goku i didn't know you could get embarrassed after all the stuff i've seen you do."

what you didn't know is that goku still didn't quit trust launch just yet" ok goku you can change" goku just sat there smiling "wait do you ever change! no of course you were the same thing the past few days" you sighed you knew you had to help him " ok goku just take your clothes off i'll help you with this" he took them off(yes he had boxers on ) you the started forcing the outfit on him.he started to struggle but eventual you got it on him "*sigh* you alright goku" he looked at the outfit in the mirror his tail was wagging (i forgot about the tail -_-) that's a good sigh..wait tail!"ah goku please put your tail away!" he wrapped it around his waist so it looked liked belt...kinda.launch came in with a bunch of medical tools "ok let's get started".

goku was very curious and stubborn he wouldn't stay still to get his blood pressure taken,then he wouldn't take medicines(basically wearing you guys out).there was one last thing the shot "ok goku this will only hurt for a second so please bare with me. you pulled out the needle goku was smiling since he knew you wouldn't hurt him at least thats what he thought(sorry readers but here is were goku feels slight betrayal). goku jumped making tools fly everywhere he then started hiss like a cat tail standing up also crouched on all fours "GOKU" you yelled launch cowering behind you that made him even more mad(jealous much). his eyes stated to flash green then a loud BOOM came "g-goku"

the smoke cleared a little to show a golden haired goku he changed forms again.

(wow this might be the longest thing i typed ever hoped you enjoyed this chapter *passes out on bed*)

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