A New Warrior Cats

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  • Dedicated to All Warrior Cat Fans

NOTE: To understand this story I reccomend that you read the Warrior Cat series by Erin Hunter, this is a parody to the end of the third series Power Of Three and the beginning of the fourth, The Omen Of The Stars, Hope you enjoy and may StarClan be with you and light your path 

Chapter 1 

In the medicine cat den, a lone dark gray cat with green eyes laid in a moss nest, she looked like Cinderpelt, the former medicine cat of Thunder clan who now hunts with StarClan. The cat was named Wildclaw, she looked through the lichen at the camp. She saw a bouncey little kit come fourth and passed through the lichen, with herbs. He was a silvery tabby tom with blue eyes named Bouncepaw. As a kit he liked to bounce and hence his name Bouncekit. 

"Wildclaw, I got the Burdock root and borage leaves just as you asked." Piped up Bouncepaw with a mouth full of the nasty tasting leaves and roots. 

"Bouncepaw, I think your ready to become a full medicine cat. StarClan will be honored for you to join us in the wonderful world of healing. If Skykit was alive, your sister would be happy, but Falconeye lived and he is the best brother you can have. But your mother Weedpelt and your father Runningstorm will be proud. Has Falconeye come back from the boarder patrol?"  Asked Wildclaw. 

"No Wildclaw not yet. Hopefully I  get a wonderful name." Bouncepaw said with hope in his voice. 

"You will Bouncepaw." She replied. 

Night fell, as the medicine cat trecked up the hill to Moonpool. Jayfeather from ThunderClan, Flametail and Littlecloud of ShadowClan, Willowshine and Mothwing from RiverClan, and Wildclaw and Bouncepaw. They gathered and shared there news, then Wildclaw spoke. " Bouncepaw, do you promise to uphold your duties to the clan and StarClan?" 

"I do." He piped up. 

"Do you promise to heal cats and believe in StarClan?" Mothwing flinched, she never believed StarClan, everyone knew. 

"I do." He said.

"Then by the power of StarClan, I grant you your full name, Bouncepaw, from this moment fourth you will be known as Bouncefire. StarClan honors your bravery and courage." Wildclaw said.

"Bouncefire! Bouncefire!" The cats chanted quietly but sort of loudly.

 Then everyone drank from Moonpool, which tasted of the sky, stars, and wind and drifted asleep into their dreams. 


Thats chapter 1, can't wait for chapter 2 to come out I bet. Its exciting and very cool I'm still drafting it on my itouch's notes though I write maybe once a week sadly though since I have tons of plans sometimes. 

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