Chapter 3

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  • Dedicated to StoryGirl5169

Here comes Horseflower and I write once a week just to let you know.


Chapter 3

Horseflower was a lovely black and white tabby. Her black patches had tan tabby that mingled with black stripes. Her eyes were a pretty blue. She walked through the lichen curtain into the medicine den. Wildclaw greeted her with some rabbit and wet moss. Then Bouncefire walked in and settled down by Wildclaw, then Wildclaw begun explaining as the elder listened and ate her rabbit. 

"I think we must all go to Moonpool tonight, and thanks for this yummy rabbit." Horseflower said. Her blue eyes sparkled. 

"I'm tired I don't wanna go." Bouncefire mumbled under his breath. Wildclaw elbowed him for being rude. Horseflower gave a wheezey laugh. "Owww!" Bouncefire exclaimed. 

"Need anything for that wheeze, I'll give you some coltsfoot." Wildclaw said getting the coltsfoot and giving it to Horseflower who ate it and gave a shiver of dugust and stuck her tongue out and licked her shoulder to get rid of the taste. 

"Good night." Bouncefire said falling asleep in his spot, he blocked out Wildclaw and Horseflower's chatting. He then awoke in StarClan by the lake. He saw the golden fish swim with grace and beauty. Where are the other cats? He thought. Then Tallstar appeared. He said hello. Bouncefire said hi back. " Tallstar, is it a message for me that you have wanted to tell me?" Bouncefire asked.

" Go to the tallest pine at The Gathering Island. We will meet you there." Tallstar said. Then he faded away with the rest of StarClan. Bouncefire plunged into reality and woke up with a jolt. 

" Horseflower! Wildclaw! We have to go to the tallest pine on the Gathering Island! Tallstar said to and then we will be waiting! StarClan needs us!" Bouncefire screamed while preparing traveling herbs as fast as he could. 

"Wow there little one. Calm down. Lets rest up and prepare to leave soon." Horseflower said. She left for them to prepare everything. And so they did. 


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