Chapter 11

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"Greetings Onestar." Mistyfoot gave him a respectful nod, and greeted him. 

"Where is Leapordstar?" Asked a ShadowClan warrior, asuming it was Ivytail. 

"Is she sick?" Some ThunderClan cats said chattering. RiverClan did not say a word. 

This darkness is driving everyone insane! WindClan won't even let me go to Moonpool! I have to sneak out to visit Moonpool, this darkness is still rising, not out to get medicine cats on their way to Moonpool while they still rise. Wildclaw thought, she was upset that Onestar had to forbid her from leaving camp because the clan wouldn't let her and Bonucefire leave. He wanted her to go. He wanted the cats to see what StarClan would say, but the clan guarded the camp like it was a invasion. 

"Greetings warriors, we are sad to announce, that Leapordstar hunts with StarClan now, StarClan light her path." Mistystar said, with proudness and sadness in her voice. The clans felt grief go through them. 

"StarClan send Leapordstar a blessing from ShadowClan." Blackstar said, he remembered how they used to be deadly alliences in TigerClan, and how Leapordstar pulled out of it before anything bad happened. 

"Send her thanks from WindClan, let her shine her light on RiverClan. She was a fantastic leader indeed" Onetsar said. 

"What a wonderul leader she was, so many moons she lived, ThunderClan praises her for what she did, and wishes her peace in StarClan." Firestar told Mistystar, he had grief shown in his eyes. 

"Thank you, Onestar you may share." Mistyfoot looked at Onestar. 

"Well, WindClan is fine, prey running well, but we lost Antpelt, he was killed by a dog he said." Onestar told the clans. 

"Send him a blessing form ShadowClan." 

"Light his path, make sure he knows ThunderClan thought he was a great warrior." 

"He sought his way as a warrior, StarClan bless him. RiverClan sends him a prayer." The leaders took turns saying a prayer to Onestar. 

"Thank you, Blackstar hows ShadowClan." Onestar turned to Blackstar. 

"Nothing at all, preys running well, no sickness, and everything is well. Hows ThunderClan?" Blackstar asked. 

"Well, Ivypaw and Dovepaw are becoming great warriors in training, and prey is running well, no sickness has struck. The Gathering has ended, let us go in peace." Firestar said, everyone filed out of the clearing. ThunerClan met up with WindClan as they walked, and ShadowClan and RiverClan went out to their trail, leading to their camps. 

"Hello Jayfeather." Bouncefire said. 

"Hello, all is well in WindClan." He said. 

"Yes, would you like some herbs, we have way too much coltsfoot and it's starting to wither, we had to throw away five of stems, so a you can have maybe four or five of them." Wildclaw said. 

"Sure, if you want we have a surplus of honey, I can always bring it over." He replied. 

"Thanks Jayfeather, your very nice." Bouncefire told him, acting cheerful. 

Jayfeather muttered to Wildclaw, "He's accting very happy, you have any idea?" 

"Nope, he's being stupid." She muttered back, and Jayfeather nodded as they passed WindClan camp. He stayed until Wildclaw got the herbs, "Heres the herbs, wrapped in some borage leaves incase you need some." 

"Thanks Wildclaw, bye now." Jayfeather said, Wildclaw said bye back and went to her den for some well needed sleep.

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