Chapter 4

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  • Dedicated to Those Who Lost Someone They Love and Want to meet them like the three cats did

The cats grouped togther as they snuck out. If the guard of the camp found them sneaking out with a elder at this time she would be mad. The guard was Nightcloud, she was hot-tempered, fierce, and a former Mudclaw supporter when he planed to kill Onestar to be leader, which of course failed and made the tree bridge to the island.  So they three went around the camp and walked by the lake. 

"I thought we'd never get out. it's almost sundown and with us sneaking out Nightcloud would have our hides." Horseflower remarked with some sarrcasim in her sweet old voice. 

"Me too, just think that StarClan wants us to meet them. Were medicine cats and a elder." Commented Bouncefire as they trotted by Horseplace. "Hey look Horseflower those horses are eatting some flowers." He laughed. Horseflower had to laugh at that joke, even Wildclaw did. Then they picked up into a jog and got to the island and crossed the tree bridge. 

"StarClan we are here, its Moonhigh now, tell us what you want." Asked Wildclaw. Then all of a sudden Heatherstar, Hawkheart, Feathertail, Tallstar, and other cats from even before Horseflower appeared across the bridge. 

"Hello Horseflower, Wildclaw, and Bouncefire." A cat that looked like Horseflower touched noses with them. 

" My mother, it.. its you,Moorshade. I miss you and Rabbitrun." Horseflower told her mother. Then another cat that was a female jumped from the tree. Rabbitrun her deacesed sister. Then her father, Badgerfoot who was a white cat who was killed when Horseflower was Horsepaw. Next to them piled to burly, dark gray cats. The female was Wildclaw's mother, Cinderbark, and her father, Sootleaf. Then Bouncefire's mother, a silver tabby with blue eyes, Kinkeye. His father who was a silver tabby wih green eyes, Vinetooth. His parents were killed in the BloodClan battle. All of the cats from the tree piled around them as Tallstar steped forward. He was as stary as the other cats. Each cat had their orginal sents, but smelled of the stars, wind, and sky. Feathertail also steped forward. 

"We are here to warn you of the danger. BloodClan will reunite, and most likely come. The leader is more horrible the Scourge and Bone." Feathertail sighed. Memories of Scoruge and Bone flashed through Wildclaw. She was just Wildpaw. She was in the pile of apprentices who killed Scrouge. She remembered the smell of blood. The medicine cats fought against them, the ThunderClan deputy, Whitestorm was killed, and blood stained the forest. Horseflower was a new warrior and took down nine BloodClan cats along side her deasced mate, Gorgedrop. Then he steped forward. His silver pelt gleamed. 

"Horseflower, I miss you, its sad we never had kits. But you will fight them because the elders will have a fire that blazes in them from now until the end of the fight." He said. Tallstar nodded to all the cats. They said farewell and dissapeered. 

"Gorgedrop! Hawkheart! Tallstar! Feathertail! Mother! Father! Everyone! Thank you we will miss you!" Wildclaw yelled. Horseflower yelled that too, Bouncefire yelled that too. Each cat cried thanks and how they missed everyone and will be with them someday.  


This chapter touched my heart and was amazing. Hope you liked it, comment what you think

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